TDEE advice please

Hi I went onto fit to fat and got my tdee, for sed it's 1773 for lightly active it's 2036, now my lovely friends on my diet forum have told me that I should use lightly active and deduct 20% off this to lose weight, totally fine with this however am I reading this wrong (please see below quote):

"How Many Calories Should I Eat?
Based on your goal weight, the following chart was generated. The chart shows the number of calories that you should eat on a daily basis to reach your goal weight. At Fat 2 Fit Radio we advocate eating like the thin, healthy person that you want to become. The calorie levels you see in the chart are not extreme, but they do create that all important caloric deficit that is required to get you to your goal weight in a safe manner. Once you reach your goal weight, you will continue eating the same number of calories for the rest of your life to maintain that weight. You'll never be on a diet again.

Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point."

Now I may have this wrong but it's saying eat the amount of your TDEE from the start and you will get to your goal weight, is this correct?? I know it says towards you reaching goal you can deduct calories...

I'm a tad confused please could someone clear this up for me.


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi I went onto fit to fat and got my tdee, for sed it's 1773 for lightly active it's 2036, now my lovely friends on my diet forum have told me that I should use lightly active and deduct 20% off this to lose weight, totally fine with this however am I reading this wrong (please see below quote):

    "How Many Calories Should I Eat?
    Based on your goal weight, the following chart was generated. The chart shows the number of calories that you should eat on a daily basis to reach your goal weight. At Fat 2 Fit Radio we advocate eating like the thin, healthy person that you want to become. The calorie levels you see in the chart are not extreme, but they do create that all important caloric deficit that is required to get you to your goal weight in a safe manner. Once you reach your goal weight, you will continue eating the same number of calories for the rest of your life to maintain that weight. You'll never be on a diet again.

    Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point."

    Now I may have this wrong but it's saying eat the amount of your TDEE from the start and you will get to your goal weight, is this correct?? I know it says towards you reaching goal you can deduct calories...

    I'm a tad confused please could someone clear this up for me.

    if you are using Fat2fit to work out your current TDEE you need to put in your current weight as your goal weight, and then deduct your 20%.

    What it has given you is the TDEE for your target weight.
  • Bambalina30
    Thanks Lady R!!xx