Super Grumpy



  • minsch
    minsch Posts: 144 Member
    I am super grumpy too.....but I think it is the weather.
  • originalcookiemonster
    Well, MFP set my calorie goal for 1600, but I have a LOT of weight to lose so I have been aiming for 1200. I'm usually somewhere between 1200 & 1400. But I'm just terribly grumpy, tired, and hungry.

    Thats not a logical way to solve your problem.

    Read this and it will help you determine how many calories you should be eating to properly lose weight and not experience these no good side effects. I promise it will help! :love:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I got very, very crabby when I was trying the No Carb Atkins thing. To the point my hubby threw a cookie at me and ordered me to eat it :) I don't know why, maybe our bodies are detoxing off the junk ???
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    you're not eating enough.
  • mathera26
    mathera26 Posts: 90 Member
    Aiming to low will actually cause your weight loss to slow... Try something like 1500, you may be surprised and loose weight even faster! I've seen it happen! Either way, if you keep going at the same pace, you're likely to get discouraged and may hurt your progress and you may even want to give up.... Please dont!
  • mathera26
    mathera26 Posts: 90 Member
    Well, MFP set my calorie goal for 1600, but I have a LOT of weight to lose so I have been aiming for 1200. I'm usually somewhere between 1200 & 1400. But I'm just terribly grumpy, tired, and hungry.

    So eat 1600.

    You're trying to fill your car with 3/4 tank of gas and drive like you have a full tank. Eat the 1600. Once you adjust to that, you can reduce it a little bit, but I wouldn't go below 1400.

    I've been losing at 2000 calories/day.

    Nicely put!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I really thought it wouldnt' make much of a difference to go down so low, but I'm used to eating unhealthy foods and a lot of them. I have at least 100lbs to lose, so I just thought if I reduced my calorie intake more, I would lose faster. Obviously a terrible idea! I joined a biggest loser contest in my town and thought I could lose as much as the biggest losers on tv! Guess I should eat a little more!

    Oh, sweetie, no. Not only are they working out for hours upon hours every day, but they're on doctor-supervised low-cal diets. Not to mention, they dehydrate themselves for hours the day before weigh-in, as in wearing layers of clothes and running in a hot room without drinking any water. It's not healthy, and that stupid show gives people a skewed image of what they have to do to lose weight. I hate shows like that because it either scares people away from weight loss or gives them unrealistic expectations.

    Eat 1600 calories per day, exercise for 30-60 minutes every day, and watch the numbers come down. :)