Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired

Hi, I'm Tiffany, age 32, mom of two 4.5 year old sons, married 10 years to my husband, John. I am starting this journey at 217 lbs, approximately. I've always been somewhat active--kinda hyper, I can't sit still for too long. I enjoy being active and busy, but haven't always been. Over the years, I've been diagnosed with Infertility due to PCOS, fibromyalgia (resolved), Intracranial Hypertension which resulted in 6 neuro surgeries in 2010, and end result is a shunt that I live with. I have suffered over the years with depresion also. And I'm done.

I know that most of my diagnosis can be resolved or even reversed with weight loss. I am not at my heaviest, but I REFUSE to get back to that place. I'm determined to continue losing. Over Christmas, I spent time with my family: my older sister and my mom are both obese and they are both so sick and tired all the time. My mom would sleep 12 hours a night at times while we wer visiting, and they both are so out of breath, unable to get on the floor to play with my very active boys. I sat back and though "I cannot let myself get like that!!"

So here I am. I've seen my best friend fight and claw and work her way to an incredible 84lb weight loss, and continues to work hard. She is my inspiration.

Then there's my family: we've been through hell and back due to my health issues, and then more recently my husband and I were separated, and are now rebuilding. I want so desperately to be the HEALTHIEST me I can be: mentally, emotionally, and physically!

My goal is to get down to about 165lbs--toned, trim and active! I joined MFP mostly for the calorie and workout tracking, but am loving the support I see here, too!


  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I wish you good luck. I know when I was at my fittest (what I'm trying to return to), I wasn't in the greatest place emotionally, but it really helped me get out of it.
  • johnrheth
  • iluvtherain
    iluvtherain Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I sent you a friend request. I'm 33 and starting out just like you and my goal weight is 165 to 170 pounds. I will be married 10 years soon. Just want to wish you good luck! This site is very addicting, and it's already helping me make good choices.