Protein Supplement question

Hello everyone! I have a quick question about Protein...I do crossfit in the mornings and drink a protein shake as soon as I'm done and that's the only time of the day that I drink the shake. I also teach Spinning classes once a week, though, and sometimes do other cardio-related stuff in the evenings (crazy work schedule) the question is this: should I take the protein twice during days that I work out twice or is once enough? Thanks for any insight ya'll have on this :smile:


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I keep my protein up over 100g a day. I strength train twice a week and do intense cardio 4 times a week and no matter what I keep my protein up as high as possible. Today I'm looking at 160g. Be sure to increase your water intake too.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am no expert, but I would think it would depend on how much protein you are getting throughout the day with your other meals. I work out everyday doing p90x and I take in about 100-130 grams of protein. If I am low with food, I add protein shakes or bars accordingly. I do a protein recovery drink post workout.
  • Dburroughs
    Hi, i train twice a day too, and like you after my morning cadio session i drink a shake almost straight away. I train with weights either in the evening straight after work or if i have the time i train again with weights in my lunch break. After this session i also drink another protein shake. Each shake consists of 37.8g - Protein, 10g - Carbs and only 228Kcal per serving. So as long as you train hard in both session i don't think it matters at all about the amount of protein you consume. Personally i think its best to get as much protein in your system as possible if you train twice a day. If your under the Kcal amount your using then there is no problem and you can continue to loose weight and trim up as normal.

    You should also consume a protein shake on your rest days too, as its the rest days that improve muscle growth and size. However saying that if your eating enough protein in your diet then a shake may not be needed?
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    Thanks! I think you guys are right...I'll just keep an eye on my protein throughout the day and factor in dinner...if I'm nowhere near the total I should be at then I'll down a little more protein after Spinning tonight!
  • Dburroughs
    Hi, i train twice a day too, and like you after my morning cadio session i drink a shake almost straight away. I train with weights either in the evening straight after work or if i have the time i train again with weights in my lunch break. After this session i also drink another protein shake. Each shake consists of 37.8g - Protein, 10g - Carbs and only 228Kcal per serving. So as long as you train hard in both session i don't think it matters at all about the amount of protein you consume. Personally i think its best to get as much protein in your system as possible if you train twice a day. If your under the Kcal amount your using then there is no problem and you can continue to loose weight and trim up as normal.

    You should also consume a protein shake on your rest days too, as its the rest days that improve muscle growth and size. However saying that if your eating enough protein in your diet then a shake may not be needed?

    Sorry failed to mention earlier Like "Poustotah" said increase your water intake too.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I don't use a supplement but am wondering if I should up my protein level. Right now, my body seems to be fine. I feel it when I'm low on protein, btw.

    I weight train 2 days a week arms/back and 4 with legs. I do 4 times per week cardio (30 mins - HR intervals of 130-150). I take ballet classes - about 8 hours a week (down from 12, previously), where my HR can go to 150+ in class.

    A typical day brings me about 90g of protein according to this site.

    Is that okay?
  • Dburroughs
    you should be looking at taking on board about 1.5g of protein to every 1 lbs of your current body weight.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    That would be over 200 grams! Is that right????
  • Dburroughs
    That would be over 200 grams! Is that right????

    I think in your cicumstance yes, you mentioned your training regime on an earlier post and you do train a fair bit, therefore you must make sure you are getting the right amount of protein into your system. As you weight train aswell making sure your get enough protein in vital. Repairs the muscle quicker so your are all ready for the next weight training workout.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Wow! I never thought I would need so much. I'll have to figure out how to up the protein. I can't use supplements due to food intolerance to the main ingredient.
  • dkcj4fox
    dkcj4fox Posts: 35
    you should be looking at taking on board about 1.5g of protein to every 1 lbs of your current body weight.

    That's too high for 99% of the people on here. Even me, and I consider myself a bodybuilder.

    The 1g / lb is a misconception. The original recommendation was in kilograms and people either got too lazy or didn't know how to convert lbs to kg.

    If you look at all the scientific studies put together. 1.2g / kg is plenty for the average weight lifter or athlete. Pro athletes 1.6g/ kg. Far cry from 1.5g / lb. Many studies even less considering they go off of total lean body mass instead of total weight.

    Take average Joe 200 lbs. 1.5g / lb = 300g, (too high IMO) 1.6g / kg = 145.5, 1.2 g / kg = 109.

    I think it has been said before that this site sets protein levels pretty low, but I changed my protein intake to 25%.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I agree that 1.5g of protein/ 1lb is REALLY high. An average sedentary person needs about .8g of protein per/kg of body weight (pounds can be converted to kg by dividing your weight in pounds by 2.2). Since you are so active active I would go somewhere in the range of 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight on days that you are strength training and cardio day I would stay in the 1.0-1.2 range.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    So that would put me at around 105g of protein, which is pretty close to what I'm already having. All I need is to up it slightly, from what I'm reading. Is that correct?
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    In my opinion yes. Your body may not even utilize that much protein but including a little "extra" protein in your meals you are going to stay fuller longer.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I actually went to a nutritionist yesterday and asked about the protein thing. He agreed with the assessment of about 105g per day, after hearing my activity level and weight.. So that's what I'm going to aim for. He also said that those of us who had a lot of exercise when we were young and are doing similarly now probably don't even need an official number to aim for, as we are in tune with what the body needs, much of the time. Still, I'm going to use the number. I want repair for my muscles, not so much a fuller feeling, if you understand what I mean. :-)