Feeling down today

RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
edited January 9 in Motivation and Support
I left my job last fall, then was sick for a few weeks and ultimately had surgery on Christmas. My boyfriend has been paying all the bills as I've dealt with these things, but on one income we've fallen behind. The list of things I need is greater than our resources and always growing.

I have one pair of jeans that fits me. Everything else- bras, underwear, pants, shirts is all too big. This includes interview clothes, and I look so sloppy when applying to jobs.
I need new running/workout shoes since mine are about 5 years old.
They want to cut off my heat and cell phone for non-payment (my boyfriend had 3! paychecks bounce)
My boyfriend needs new tires.
My landlady wants to raise my rent in March by $40 because she believes there are two people in a one-bedroom. Is this even legal?

I feel like losing weight is putting me even deeper in the hole. Raw produce, lean meat and fish are all very expensive, especially because it's winter. I can't afford new clothes (even at the thrift shop where it's already so hard to find clothes for 6' tall women). Part of me is getting tempted to try to gain it back so my clothes fit again and I can at least look presentable and appear in public.

I'm just so frustrated. I want to quit everything and go live in a tent in the Montana back country and forget all the real world problems. Help?


  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    Take a deep breath. Try and break down the problems smaller. Maybe get some "new" intermediate clothes from a thrift shop? There are community programs out there that help pay rent/heat bills sometimes. Maybe check that out to get a little breathing room. As far as the food... I know one of our local grocery stores is much cheaper than the big brand ones.You could drop the cell phone and pick up a Skype account 3$ a month if you have internet. Good luck.
  • Hey,

    I feel bad nobody has said anything to you! I'm sorry to hear that you're in the center of a perfect storm of issues.

    If I were you (and I was, last fall), spend the money on an interview outfit from someplace like TJ Maxx or Ross. You need the job and deserve to make the best first impression and feel good about yourself.

    There are definitely ways to stretch the grocery budget and still be healthy - coupons, frozen produce, rice and beans, etc.

    That all being said, don't forget it will get better. Sending you good thoughts!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    As to your rent issue: You need to look at your lease. If it says single occupancy, the landlord CAN request more payment once a double occupancy happens, as this is technically a change in the lease conditions. If it doesn't, then you might have a remedy to challenge the raise in rent. However, if your lease is coming to an end, and you don't live in a city or state that has rent control laws, landlords can raise rents by whatever percentage they want.
  • LoriIone
    LoriIone Posts: 88 Member
    I'm so sorry! I've totally been there! It sucks. Don't gain the weight back, try to stay healthy! I agree, go someone and get a cheaper interview outfit. I would try Wal-mart, you can find some cute dress clothes there for cheap! Then, take a nice long hot bath, and relax! All will be okay. Hang in there :)
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Deep breath.

    re: clothes that don't fit that you still have, can they be taken in if you know how to sew?

    And if not, I second that you will have to at least spend a little money (thrift, consignment) to get an interview outfit. Or you can check with womans groups to see if there is a way to get an outfit on loan. Check to see if your community has a Freecycle page (mine does on Yahoo Groups) and put in a request for clothes, some communities also have a 'For Sale' group page (like through Yahoo! Groups).

    Check to see if you qualify for heating assistance.

    Read your renter's agreement with the landlord. See if she can legally up the rent based on the contract you signed (I hope you signed a renter's agreement). Usually (at least with the agreements I had signed b4) the only time they are able to raise rent is during the re-up period.

    And good luck.
  • Tomorrow is a new day!

    I agree with previous posts, break your problem down to the most immediate and severe. Then work your way up the checklist.

    First is employment. To accomplish that you need a respectable outfit, try an outreach center etc, or an employment agency or government agency for employment sometimes have coupons and vouchers to local stores. Everyday should be a job hunt. If the job is hopeless and the idea makes you sick then go back or to school and find something you do like, there are many grants etc out there for education.

    As for the landlord, check your rental agreement, if you signed it for a certain amount of time at a certain price with no inclusions about price increse based on number of occupants, then NO your rent cannot raise! If your rental agreement is specific towards one individual and no subletters/roommates, then yes. Feel free to message me if you need more help with this.

    Lastly, ditch the phone, it is actually very freeing to not have a cell phone bill and then you arent worried that everytime it rings it is a creditor because.....you dont have anything to ring :) As well, as far as I know, at least in my area, it is illegal for your heat and power to be shut off during the winter months if you live like I do where it is cold or potentially could get cold. Just talk to your heat company and explain to them your situation they can either take care of it or direct you to a local program that assists in things like that.

    Oh I lied!!! One more thing (ok Columbo!), the food issue, I know it is hard to eat healthy on a budget (or no budget) thus you need to take care yourself first and foremost! Tomorrow go to your city/county center/health department and apply for food stamps and assitance. These programs are out there for situations like this, use them until you can get back on your feet!

    Just remember, no one is going to imprison you, tourture you, or cut off your head because of a phone bill, light/heat bill, or clothes that are too big. But if you let your health go, you will imprison, torture, and cut off your own head!!

    Good Luck!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words!

    My landlady is a nutcase. I have a "lease" written on a photocopy of a lease from a different rental company, with her "company's" name written in. After this encounter today I did a bit more research and her business is listed as "Operator of non-residential properties." Very strange.Also, my boyfriend doesn't live with me, he technically has a different address. But he stays overnight frequently and is around a lot. But my lease expired in October and I have been renting month to month as I...

    Apply for grad school. I think this is also keeping me from getting even restaurant jobs. No one wants to hire someone who is going to leave in 6 months. So my best idea at this point is to move to VA as soon as I find out if I get into my program. Might be easier to find a job if I can definitively stay long term.

    As much as it hurts my pride, I may have to suck it up and look for government assistance in the meanwhile. I keep putting it off because we keep scraping by, but it would probably be a huge relief to my money anxiety.

    Thanks again for all your support. I needed to hear it will be okay, even though I've always made it through in the past. <3
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    As to your grad school/job issue: Don't tell them you are going to leave in 6 months, I know that seems shady, but seriously....
    Also, When I was in grad school, I was on student aid/loans AND had food stamps, so, whatever...that is what they are there for.

    Month to month leases suck....you have almost no rights...
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    As to your grad school/job issue: Don't tell them you are going to leave in 6 months, I know that seems shady, but seriously....
    Also, When I was in grad school, I was on student aid/loans AND had food stamps, so, whatever...that is what they are there for.

    Month to month leases suck....you have almost no rights...

    Haha I don't have a month to month lease. I have a lease that states a guy that moved out in July still lives here with me and that there are no pets on the property. I asked for a new lease when I got the dog and when the guy moved out but she didn't give me one. I'm just fed up with her bs.
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