First proper gym visit - ADVICE PLEASE!



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    So today I went to the gym again - I did week 1 of c25k for the second time (walk 3.5mph, run 4.6mph) and then 16 minutes on the recumbent bike and 18.5 minutes on the elliptical.

    Am I doing this right?

    Eh, it's ok but it's a lot for a new person... and your going to burn out quick.

    Just do C25K and forget the rest.. you'll be ok.

    Also, start lifting!
  • ZL9685
    ZL9685 Posts: 47 Member
    I hired a personal trainer once a week because I needed to increase my strength to pass fitness tests, but most trainers will take you around for half an hour and make you a program to follow and show you how to follow it for a one-off cost.
    It should be both cardio and strength, and it's totally worth it for the increase in fitness :)

    C25k is awesome, I recently replaced the gym cardio stuff with running c25k around the neighbourhood, use a mapping program to see how much further you're managing to run every couple weeks, keeps the motivation up!

    I'm with a 24/hr gym because of night shifts and such; but I've heard my uni gym has a fair few trainers that mill about, I'd say be fearless and go up to the front desk and ask, they may have people affiliated to them that give deals on programs and such.
    Good luck!