Feeling Frustrated

Hello everyone,
l am about to turn 38 in march, single mom of 2 boys (3 & 5) and work full time. I made a commitment to myself at the beginning of December to get my health and body back. l started at 198 on12/7 and am currently at 183. l know that's ok progress and I should be pleased and feel accomplished... But between 5-6 days a week at the gym and really keeping a close eye on the diet- l was really hoping I would see a little difference. It is a tough schedule to keep up with and this week was just particularly difficult to motivate myself- , have been working with a trainer 4 days a week and do 30-60 minutes of cardio 6 days,. l feel like I am whining,but l am just feeling a bit frustrated with the process. lt's only been 6 weeks and, I know I should be happy with any progress... but does anyone else get in these silly ruts so soon?? And how do you Kick your butt out of it?? HELP! LOL
Thanks for "listening"


  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    I know it's easy to get discouraged, but I think you're doing great, especially with such a full schedule! I joined right before you and have lost 11 lbs so far (201 down to 190, so we're similar I guess).

    Look at this way: in about 6 weeks, you've lost 15 lbs. That's about 2.5 a week! That's not just ok, that's awesome and right on track for permanent weight loss.

    Just keep going. :) It will add up fast!
  • seekingstrengthX2
    15lbs in 6 weeks = 2.5lbs/week... That's absolutely perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST KEEP GOING!
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    15lbs in 6 weeks = 2.5lbs/week... That's absolutely perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST KEEP GOING!

    This. You are doing awesome!!!
  • pjlunsford
    pjlunsford Posts: 1 Member
    I, too, am feeling your frustration! I have lost 13 lbs since Dec 21. I can't see any change, even though some ppl say they can (I think they are just being nice myself). I weigh in tomorrow and I don't think I've lost anything this week. >:( I haven't even lost 1 inch. I do want to keep it off for the rest of my life, so I know that losing it slowly is best. I just want to be able to tell that I'm making a difference. I'm working out for 30 min a day for 6 days a week. I am walking for 30 min on all days that I can. I just have to remember why I started doing this. I'm 35 and I am tired of being FAT! I've been this size for 12 years. That's too long!!! So, I write on here for ppl to listen and give the encouragement that this site was made for. So, together I guess we will keep it up! God will help us through as long as we ask him too. Keep it up and don't give up!!! You are stronger for the change!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Most of the studies indicate that the more slowly you lose weight, te more likely you are to keep it off. Just think: a half pound a week for two years, adds up to over 50 pounds. Most people who do a drastic drop gain it back and then some. Patience.
  • TiffanieRandolph
    TiffanieRandolph Posts: 18 Member
    15lbs in 6 weeks = 2.5lbs/week... That's absolutely perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST KEEP GOING!

    This. You are doing awesome!!!

    I agree!!!!!!!! You are doing fantastic!!!!!!!! Remember why you started and let the haters fuel your success!!!! All the people who dont/didnt believe you could, show them you can and are! and even better! Remember your kids!!!! Set a good example for them and you could possibly incorporate them in to your exercise too!!!! Quality time plus getting fit!!!! I like those 2 for 1 benefits!!!! Just keep your head up!!!! You got this girl and we are all here to help keep you going!!!! :) Best of luck to you on your journey!!!!
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Any weight lose is positive. Do the best you can. Trying is better than giving up. Aside from weight loss better health is also important. I started out losing 5 lbs and then only 2. I have been doing it since the middle of November and have lost 35 lbs. I still have 70 lbs to go. We all struggle and have bad days. Just keep trying and you'll see it gets easier. Good luck
  • ecjak2
    ecjak2 Posts: 13 Member
    2.5 lbs a week is GREAT!! I'm not sure how much weight you have to lose but if you keep this up you will be down FIFTY pounds (if you have that much to go) in just six months!! So keep doing what you're doing & know that this is a marathon, not a sprint! :smile:
  • RMNPHike
    RMNPHike Posts: 89 Member
    You should be very impressed and pleased with your progress and your level of commitment. Keep going - you will see the results! It's true, if you lose weight any faster, you have more chance of gaining it back. Slow and steady is the best way to go.
  • NSAckerman
    Take a deep breath and give yourself a break. You are doing great!
  • jaimelynn01
    i get like this too. i start off good and thinking positive and telling myself that its not just about the numbers but the health benefits etc. i have 3 kids, work full time as a nurse and have a ton of work to do after my shifts. its hard to workout and eat good all the time, but i do it and then i lose stamina. then i start talking bad to myself and telling myself that its my fault i got like this in the first place. and then i just have to stop.
    my point is, that i think its common to get tired and frustrated and i think in these moments its the weaker part of you trying to win and get you back to your comfort zone. its uncomfortable to workout all the time, eat healthy and lose weight. if we try to have stamina and stay in the game, we will see more results. let yourself have the pity party for 1 day, take a bath, and then start over tomorrow refreshed and keep focused on your accomplishments even if you think theyre small. :)
  • 1newcat
    1newcat Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you everyone! I appreciate it. I think the other thing that contributes to the brainwashing are all the tv commercials. I work from home, so i tend to havea tv on in the backround and of ciurse since new years its been nonstop weightloss commercials with all the, "i lost 25 pounds in 30 days, i lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks, etc". I know thats the exception, butgoodness- it is hard work!! Thank you all for yourenccouraging words- anyone who is in the market for a friend whose heart is in the right place and enjoys getting through this most of the time with humor- please send me a friend request, i am still feeling my way around this site. Lol

    Here'shoping that maybe seejngthe sunfor the first timein 10 days will help my sour mood and sore body! Lol