What do you do when you get stuck at a certain weight?

irismoon Posts: 83
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Okay so it seems everyone loses some weight and at some point the scale refuses to lower anymore. Well, I'm at that point in my diet. I've lost 6 lbs since Christmas and I've hit that stuck point in my weight loss. I know I can wait it out until the scale starts to move again, but I started to wonder what does everyone else do when they hit this point? My plan is to wait it out and keep doing what I've been doing. I was still wondering if anyone has ever found a way to push past this stage, or is it something everyone just has to put up with? So what do you do when you hit this phase?


  • dcw8636
    dcw8636 Posts: 9
    I've had this problem, and a person I know told me what to do, AND it actually worked. :)

    So here's whats happened. Your body has gotten used to what it's doing, therefore its not burning anymore fat. Take a day, and eat what you want .. literally, whatever you want, then the next day, eat COMPLETELY healthy. That means no cheats at all. This way, you're shocking your body. If you keep this up for a week, you will probably have shocked your body enough so that it will start burning fat again. :) hope this helped!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Change up your exercise would be my first word of advice. I have been doing mostly cardio for the past few months and, while I was still losing, I wasn't pulling the numbers I was before. I recently re-added strength training into my routine and had a 3lb loss this week! Also, up your water intake, eat more veggies/fruit and maybe try some new foods into your diet. I wish you luck! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had to start eating more. I was eating 1200 calories and no exercise calories. Now I eat back about 50% of my exercise calories. It took 2-3 weeks of eating more before the scale started moving again. So, whatever you decide to change make sure you give your body time to adjust to it -- at least a month -- before you change something else. I also started eating more protein and fewer carbs (I'm now set at 45% carbs, 30% protein, and 25% fat and it seems to be working for me).
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Completely agree with dcw8636. I actually learned this watching years of biggest loser. The contestants would hit their platues, have a temptation challange and it always seemed that those who gave into temptation lost more weight again. I have tried this myself and it works every time.
  • rikrok
    rikrok Posts: 5
    Add strength training if you are not already doing this - remember to vary your workouts over time.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Change everything up. Shock the heck out of your body. Keep it guessing. Make sure you're eating at least 1200 net calories, daily. Boost your calories even! Try different exercises. Try different intensities. If all else fails, get all your blood levels tested (thyroid, hormones, etc). When you've exhausted all options with little or no success (happens, but unlikely), try a homeopathic supplement to help get your metabolism going again.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Sometimes I just need a break. A day or two off usually helps me. I think about how far I've come and why I'm here in the first place. It usually ends up motivating me to push harder in the gym. Then I'm back on track and the scale moves again.
  • I'm at one myself. I've been at 215 for the past few months, nothing a do seems to be working. So, I joined this web page. lol. But really I've been working out a lot and now and eating well for the most part but I will be upping the stakes this week... It is almost to the point that I'm wondering if there is something wrong with my bathroom scale... I think part of the problem is that I do not own a car so my body is used to walking 3-5 miles everyday just for daily trips and walking to and from work. I've been taking longer ways to get home and to work lately adding 20 minuets each way of brisk walking I'm also adding an additional belly dancing drilling class once a week after my regular belly dancing class. If this doesn't tip the sales I may just have to cry!
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Thanks everyone. I think I'm going to try stepping it up a notch. I started back at the Curves women's fitness gym this last week and started walking again. I'm hoping that will boost up my weight loss. I'm not used to walking much so that is going to be a shock to my body. I never really get out execpt to go shopping or to the gym. I got special shoes that are supposed to help tone your leg muscles and now when I walk I can really feel it! Just got them two days ago and that is what has made me start walking I think adding walking and more trips to the gym are going to help. Also thinking of wearing 1 lb wrist weights when exercising. I didn't know about redoing your diet though. I may have to try that. I've heard of calorie shifting before which is a diet based on shifting your daily calories to confuse your body so that you loose weight. Never thought to do that when you hit your platue.

    Thanks again everyone!
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