How to fit in exercise? Please help

Ok I know that some of you have this already figured out. So that is why I am asking you for help. I recently started a new job and it gives me a free gym membership! What could be better. Now for the part that I cant seem to figure out. Granted it is a new job. I am just finishing my second week. So I know I am still trying to get the routine figured out. I want to get some gym time in somewhere. Ultimately 4 days a week but no less then 3. Here is my schedule.

Monday - Friday
5:30 am, wake up, eat healthy breakfast drink coffee, pack healthy lunch and snacks for work so I dont eat off of the tempting food truck.
6 am kiss 17 year old daughter goodbye as she leaves for school, wake up 10 year old son to get ready for school and start getting ready for work while making sure son stays on schedule
7 am kiss 10 year old and 12 year old goodbye as I leave for work
7:30-7:45 arrive at work depending on traffic
8-5 work with a 1 hour lunch
5:45 arise home depending on traffic and weather there are any errands or I have to stop at the store could be later
6 pm till 10 check homework, eat dinner, talk about day with kids pay bills general household stuff get clothes ready for work the next day (sometimes two uniforms because I have a second job and occasionally I head straight from my day job to a restaurant to wait tables for extra money as day job only pays 9 dollars an hour but it has great benefits and the pay will get better with time)
10pm-12am fall into bed depending on how much stuff I have to do, then repeat

Sat and Sunday I work my serving job I plan on taking a sunday off every other week.

I plan on getting to the gym at least once every weekend but I need to get my other work outs in there somewhere during the week. I have thought about getting up at like 4 am so I can go to the gym but with this change in schedules this past two weeks I am already severely sleep deprived since I have not gotten to bed as early as I need to. My other idea is maybe going from like 7:30 till 9 then coming home and going to bed Im just not sure. Anyone else have days like this where they work a 9 hour day plus another 1 1/2 commuting? Im also a single mom so I just dont think I feel comfortable going straight after work as I wouldnt make it home till they area already in bed. But I might do that like one day a week, then go once on the weekend and another day go after dinner before bed. Kind of switch it around. I appreciate any ideas you have, thanx


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Get up earlier, use your lunch break, or set aside a little time once you get home from work. You don't need to have 2 hour work out. Even a 20-30 minute work out works.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Prepare as much as you can for the week on the weekend, packing lunches, snacks, putting together outfits for you and the kids.
    Mix and match your workouts- do you have to go the gym for each one? pick a couple of days a week to go to the gym and a couple to work out at home.

    Your kids are old enough to help out around the house- have them make dinner one night- or do the laundry so you can go for a run or stop by the gym after work.

    It's not easy momma- but you can do it!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree that it would be best to prep a lot of snacks and meals beforehand...on the weekend and /or at night. Definitely get the kids involved with that. Lunch break workouts would be good to start with, you can always change it to morning or evening once you find some ways to have more time available there!
  • disdatdude
    Is your gym in the building? I would say to use your lunch period. It's really not that bad and you don't have to overdue it, but I guess that depends on what you wear for work? I used to see ladies all the time at lunch time. Either they walked on the treadmill/stair stepper or lifted light weights.

    I'm a guy so I had no issue with rippin off my clothes, knocking off a few mile run or bangin' weights for 30 minutes, a quick shower, back into my clothes and 15 mins to eat a sandwhich and veggies I made the night before. Depending on the job, sometimes I took 40 mins to workout and just "snacked" at my desk.

    As far as your workouts, pick your problem areas and focus on them. 15-20 mins for an ab workout before work or before bed will do you wonders. Those light lunch workouts? Great for toning (and you won't break into a sweat) arms or legs...or short cardio if you dress down and aren't a big sweat-er. Then you can get a few longer cardio workouts during the weekend.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I work 10 hr days with an hr-hr.5 commute each way. I would use my lunch break to go running or to the gym. If your lunch break isn't long enough to make this feasible, maybe work out a deal with your boss where you can stay an extra 15-30 min in the evening to have a little longer lunch. But I found even a 20 min run and 10 min shower to be extremely helpful. I get up at 5 and can't imagine getting up earlier, but if you are motivated, get up half an hr earlier and do something like the 30 day shred. it's about 27 min long and a great workout. As someone suggested, have the kids make dinner 2 or 3 nights a week while you work out at home--it will be good for you and teach them a little about surviving on their own (a useful skill come college. I wish I had known more about cooking than microwaving ramen when I went to school). MIght even be a fun bonding experience for you all--you sound like you have 3, maybe each kid gets a night they get to choose what to make?
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    I am working on figuring this out for myself! Maybe you could make time between 6-10? Get a 20-30 minute workout video to squeeze in during that time..?
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    I exercise on my lunch break and I usually don't have dinner until 7 or 8 so I can exercise before then.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Go for a walk on your lunch break and/or do a 30 minute dvd like Jillian's 30 Day Shred before bed. It sounds like you don't really get the chance to ever have time for yourself, so maybe if you take just that extra 30 minutes a day for you, you'll feel amazing.

    Also, try prepping all your lunches etc in one go and refrigerating/freezing them? Pre-cook chicken breast etc for salads, have a big container of prepped lettuce and veggies stashed in the fridge, throw stuff for a stew in the crock pot the night before so all you have to do is wake up, throw it in a container and you're done?
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    A lot of people will say that losing weight is 80-90% about diet. So I would focus on that first, since you have so much going on. If you've got the diet part under control, then add the workouts. If going to the gym means, you end up picking up fast food, you may just be better off going hope and cooking a healthy meal.

    I have a long commute, so I like to go the gym near work, then when I leave, there is less traffic, so it is quicker and less stressful, but that probably doesn't help you.

    Also, since you are so busy with so many responsibilities, why not try to come up with ways to be more active while having fun. Hike, bike, roller blade, ice skate, play tennis, play active video games, play catch, jump rope, hula a kid and enjoy. I started being active this spring and my kids are like, you waited for us to move out to be fun...what's up with that.
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I would make a list on Sunday of every week for that 6-10pm time slot. In that list or schedule you should make sure you put in 30 minutes for working out a few days a week. With the kind of schedule you are currently running, you probably have very little "me" time. You need that to be efficient in the rest of the hours. I think you'll find that if you do make that time say, three days a week, it will help you with handling the rest of your very busy schedule.
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,175 Member
    Go after work and get home an hour or so later. Problem solved. Your kids are old enough to help out getting dinner ready if needed and are you really spending 4 hours helping with homework, eating dinner, paying bills (every day, really?), and getting your clothes ready?
    You only need to add an extra day or 2 at the gym if you are going on the weekend.

    My M-Thursdays looks like this:
    8:15 up
    9:30 leave for work
    work until 6:30 earliest, sometimes until 8.
    Get home 30 min later approx.
    Go to gym for avg 70 min, on a late, (getting home at 8:30 +) night I`ll go for a short 35 min session.
    Get home and cook dinner, I may not finish with that until 11pm.
    Shower. Bed.

    Friday no gym, Sat-Sun I`ll go during day, or at night, more leeway
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,585 Member
    6-10pm is 4 hours. You can pay bills once a month (because most are done online now and you can set the date you need the money taken out), I get the homework, but nowadays, it's mostly just going to be checking if it's right and not as much instruction.

    I'm sure you can find a 30 minute stretch in there somewhere. You NEED the time to yourself once a day or it will drive you nuts.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • runlikeananna
    runlikeananna Posts: 42 Member
    I would forget the gym and look for exercise in other ways. Running, or a DVD or Wii Fit. good luck with it.
  • meowmanda
    I know having a free gym membership is great, but as you said finding time to go to the gym is hard to do! I just bought an elliptical machine and have it taking up residence in my living room. That is letting me get in some exercise in the evenings while I am at home with my girls (13 & 10). Tonight we watched a TV show together, while I was exercising, and it still felt like us time even though I was working on a goal of mine! Pretty cool. Good luck. It is hard to fit in everything that needs doing.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Sounds like you have a VERY tight schedule. You are really motivated working two jobs and being a mom that's obvious! As someone else suggested I would work on my diet first and foremost. If the gym is on the work property I'd go for 30 minutes at lunch even if it were just to walk on a treadmill. If it isn't on site, maybe stopping off n your way home for a 30 minute elliptical or treadmill workout. That is really hard to do as I'm sure the younger kids probably need a bit of supervision with the homework routine. The other option is to use the gym on the weekends. Is the membership for you alone or is it a family deal? We used to take our 4 boys with us on the weekends they thought it was a blast! Hang in there!
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,175 Member
    6-10pm is 4 hours. You can pay bills once a month (because most are done online now and you can set the date you need the money taken out), I get the homework, but nowadays, it's mostly just going to be checking if it's right and not as much instruction.

    I'm sure you can find a 30 minute stretch in there somewhere. You NEED the time to yourself once a day or it will drive you nuts.

    well stated
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    9:30pm-10:00pm put in a Jillian michaels DVD, 25-30 minutes for a good workout. You can do it!!
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Get up earlier, use your lunch break, or set aside a little time once you get home from work. You don't need to have 2 hour work out. Even a 20-30 minute work out works.

    Agreed. You do have a crazy schedule but there is always time. I use my lunch break for this and just take my lunch and eat at my desk to make it work. Prepping for the week as others pointed out is the key. I also treat workouts as if its a daily function that I need like eating, sleeping, etc. Good luck!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Do a 15-20 min HIIT workout at home.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I would either find 30 minutes right after work, or use your lunch break. Do you have a desk job? Can you eat at your desk if your workout runs over. Or, and this seems painful, I would get up at 5 and workout until 5:30. Your kids are old enough that they could help out. The 17 yr old can help the 12 yr old with homework, the 12 yr old can help the 10 yr old, the 1o yr old can feed the pet, sweep, do the dishes, etc. Everyone pitches in when it comes to meals and house work.