Spice up the walk?

omnyway Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I walk 60-70 mins a day on trails (some hills). I don't want to go to the gym and do classes at this point. What can I do on my walks to increase the fat burning? I try and walk briskly (4.5+ MPH), but should I add ankle or wrist weights or do 60 second interval running or? I think after 10 weeks I have plateaued on the benefits of just the walk. Thanks!!


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I would add some intermittant jogging. Increase that heart rate a bit more. There have been a few posts on here that ankle or wrist weights don't really add any benefit to your walking.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    I would absolutely recommend the jogging as you can fit it in, it will definitely increase your heart rate and calorie burn! :drinker:

    I've also heard of wearing a backpack filled with books - I haven't tried that myself, though I can definitely attest to the fact that extra weight makes a hike a lot tougher (wore our 2 yr old in a Kelty on my back for a several hikes/walks).... :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    I walk with my partner for exercise - but her levels of exercise are under what mine are, so a good walk for her is like a stroll for me...I wear a backpack with about 15lbs of books - You have to make sure that it is a good pack though - one that you can sinch tight around your waist and shoulders and accross the chest - you dont want the weight on your shoulders! I have to wrap the books in a towel otherwise the bruise my lower back! I can feel the difference with the extra weight on - my leg muscles actually feel worked!

    I personaly wont jog...it hurts my knees and feet to much, and- ahem - the ladies bounce around too much! :laugh:
  • omnyway
    omnyway Posts: 8
    Thanks everyone! I took the weights off my dumbbells and put them in the back pack. And, sure enough, I felt my thighs working on the hills. Yippee!
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