I'm stuck! In need of advice! <3



  • kansasgal2
    I am not going to give any advise, because I am a newbie and I really do need support and help with my weight lost.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I do want to start heavy lifting eventually, but I was hoping to start it closer to 180lbs to tone.

    Congrats on all your success so far! That's super awesome

    That being said, why wait to weight lift? 180lbs seems arbitrary, weight lifting is great for burning fat, and if you're stuck it seems like a great thing to try. My two cents :)
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Good job on how far you have come. I took a look at your diary and you seem to be over in sodium just about every day. Sodium will make you retain water. Try to stay under if you can.

    Best of luck in your journey!

    Sheila :flowerforyou:
  • SailorSunira
    SailorSunira Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on coming this far.

    If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going - Winston Churchill

    Maybe it's time to analyze your macronutrients. Try and shake up your diet. Go Paleo. Or try Keto. Your body gets used to a pattern and becomes efficient at that pattern. It's one of our strengths to be able to adapt well. It can also be frustrating when it comes to weight loss. If you increase calories, make sure it's healthy, lean calories.

    Good Luck!
  • easycure
    easycure Posts: 152 Member
    I love you guys for taking the time our to give me a hand! And I love MFP! I don't know where I would be without it and all of you! <3
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I'm down 80 pounds from my highest. Every so often, I found myself hitting a slow slope plateau. What I found worked for me was (1) pick a new sustainable eating goal -- like eating basically paleo for a while, or going vegan/raw for a while (while still counting calories) -- with the knowledge I wouldn't eat that way forever. Just maybe 6 weeks or 3 months. Then return to the previous eating habits that had been successful earlier in my weight loss. I think the main benefit I got was that each time, I learned new foods or recipes that I'd never tried before (since I was eating a restrictive diet for the shorterm, I was forced to learn how to make quinoa or something else I'd never tried or have to venture to new ethnic grocery stores) and made my nutrition tracking and meal prep "fun" again. And (2) change my main exercise routine. Changing from walking to weight lifting or running or swimming or whatever. Using new muscles, I guess, caused my metabolism to speed back up again.
  • heatherterp
    you are up north as am I, where it is winter longer than summer. I found a local hotel that has an indoor pool, hot tub and sauna. It is a different workout and also helps to get the ache out. Check out places in your area a good winter swim is a nice change up to the workouts I am doing. The membership is normally inexpensive. I bring my friends kids with me sometime and we have pool toys and we race. It is a great work out.
  • heatherterp
    do a you tube search for Jillian Michaels. I know there is the level 1 of 30 day shred on there. I just looked it up.

    The links aren't working due to a copyright claim :grumble:
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I am not a great axample but everything I read says cardio queens (like me) will plateu for longer. Maybe it is time to add weights to your routine. Muscle burns fat! I just started weights even though I dont like them because they are heavy! haha. I do feel more accomplished though.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You should recalculate your TDEE & BMR every 5-10 lbs to make sure you are getting enough for your activity/current weight. You may not be eating enough to continue to lose weight.

    Oh Hbazzell is right, add some weights too. You can use 3, 5, 8, 10lb to start and here is my routine for at home strength training....

    Strength Training
    2 Plank - 30 sec
    2 20 Leg Lowering
    2 20 Reverse Crunch
    2 20 Shrugs
    2 20 Bent Over Rows
    2 20 Deat Lifts
    2 20 Hammer Curls
    2 20 Standing Calf Raise
    2 20 Chest Press
    2 20 Chest Fly
    2 20 Push up
    2 20 Bridge
    2 20 Leg Curls
    2 20 Squats
    2 20 Jump Squats
    2 20 Lunges
    2 20 Lying Side Leg Raise
    2 20 Front Raise
    2 20 Lateral Raise
    2 20 Standing Row
    2 20 L-Lift
    2 20 Overhead Extensions
    2 20 Tricep Kickbacks

    2 is sets and 20 is how many you do each set.
  • chantey16
    chantey16 Posts: 27 Member
    when you have lost a lot of weight, you end up needing to eat more to lose weight (strange I know) lol. so look into raising your calories and that should get you over the plateau.

    Its because as you get closer to goal, you should decrease the calorie deficit you have daily, as large deficits only really work well when really obese.

    Good luck :D