npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
hi! i have lost 13lbs so far, most of which is off my back and waist, my stomach is alot flatter than before, but i can see my skin is a tiny bit loose at the bottom of my stomach, and im worried if i keep losing weight it will be left there, but i have seen many people have lost theres by doing weights, but what lifting should i do fr my stomach? i am currently doing squats qith dungbells, bicep curls and sit ups. Any workouts would be much appreciated. AND PICTURES OF BEFORe AND AFTERS!


  • kiwiwizard
    kiwiwizard Posts: 59 Member
    I had a c-section with my son after being in the hosp in labor for 4 days. My son just turned 8. I don't know if it's possible to return to your original non-injured state after having all the abdominal muscles severed and then stitched up again. I work out 2-3 hrs/day typically 5 days week and although I feel very strong my lower stomach still has 'the pouch.' I thank God every day for my child who I wished and prayed for 17 years before finally bringing him into the world. I can deal with 'my pouch' :-)
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    A few weeks after birth, didnt lose weight until 4 months ago. MY WEIGHT IS 168 LBS


    This is a couple weeks ago. MY WEIGHT IS 156 LBS.

  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    Amen! God is so faithful. I thank God for my baby so much, I dont really care about the body affects of having a baby, I know that God will help me get back into better shape.
  • DarkAngel262
    DarkAngel262 Posts: 118 Member
    I've never had a baby, I just wanted to say to the OP that yours (or whoever is in your profile pic) is SO. FREAKING. CUTE!
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    hahahaha that is my cute little baby, well she's a toddler now she is 1. HAHAHA thanks!
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    I had a C section too and I really started to notice an improvement in my stomach after my daughter was about 18 months old. I nursed her for 12 months and that DID not help like some people said it would. (I like to call those people LIARS. lol) I really didnt start working out with any regularity until my baby turned 2 but I can honestly say at the 18 month mark my stomach just got firmer for no apparent reason. It's like it had time to adjust to the trauma it suffered or something!! And, I am 4'11 and carried a 9 lb baby so I had LOTS of extra skin! I don't think there is anything you can to specifically tone it... losing weight will help reveal the muscles underneath. Try to focus on core strengthning exercises and the rest just is what it is!!
  • dellamac
    dellamac Posts: 16 Member
    I have lost about 70lbs since having my daughter 4 years ago. I too had a c-section. My lower mid section to this day is still a problem area. I have lost inches but do have a bit of access skin. Now I was over weight before getting pregnant and this maybe part of the reason. I do lots of leg lifts, crunches, reg sit ups, and twisty situps to help work the area. I find that it helps. As for the access skin, unless I get a tummy tuck, I am just going to learn to love it, like the rest of me :)
  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    WOW Thanks everyone for your replies!!
  • jscupp1016
    jscupp1016 Posts: 52 Member
    I've had two C sections.... my first pregnancy in 2008 I gained 60 lbs (whoa, I know)... then my second in 2010 (two years later) I gained the normal 30.... so now it's 2013, I have lost 36 lbs since then and then stomach is just still there. I've decided this year to really get at it, and work very hard to shed the weight and the stomach. I've been doing the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD but I don't do it everyday. I've been trying to run and do a lot of cardio to lose some weight and then the Shred to tone up the extra, it seems to be doing some good I've noticed a lot of differences already. I think the extra tummy will always be there but we can do our best to make it as attractive as possible, I would say your baby is only a year old you shouldnt be too hard on yourself, you can do it! Keep at it and even if you can't "lose" it.... you'll certainly lose elsewhere and feel good about yourself.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    After 80 lbs. lost, 2 children, and 3 pregnancies, lets just say that "pouch" will always be there....just learn to live with it and use control top undies or something...I can't afford a tummy tuck, so I will just be happy I lost the weight!
  • nataliefamily3
    nataliefamily3 Posts: 189 Member
    I had a c section 2 yrs ago. Through jillian michaels videos and kickboxing my stomach is almost flat again. At belly button its 29 inches, 31 in at the widest point. I gained 35 lb during preg and gained a few more after. My biggest tip is to engage your core by sucking in your stomach whenever you remember to when you are just walking around etc. stand up straight!
  • pinkpumpedupkickz
    pinkpumpedupkickz Posts: 77 Member
    Beachbody's "Brazilian Butt Lift" program is amazing and has a phenomenal ab/core routine. Go to their website and look a the before/after pics of some of the ladies... you can see a difference in that area. He calls it his "tummy tuck" routine if that tells you anything :)
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    Lots of cardio and strength training will tone it right up. It can be done! I've had 3 c-sections but will never post pix of my stomach- I'm way too shy for that, lol.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    <-- no c-section, but I've had 14 surgeries on my stomach for ovarian cysts, pcos, and endometriosis, as well as being pregnant twice. Patience and working out is all it took. Eat right, lift heavy, and be patient.
  • kticoulet
    kticoulet Posts: 8 Member
    My stomach used to be the only part of my body that I never complained about...nice and flat. Then I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy and had a C-section. The weight has been gone for awhile now, but everything shifted around. My stomach absolutely has a pouch and I think it has to do with diastasis (the muscles never completely grew back together after they were cut during the C-section). I believe that the muscles stick out a bit (and the pouch covers it). My dr. has basically told me that the only thing to do to get rid of it is a tummy tuck. But, I'm giving diet and exercise a proper try first. :) I'm mostly okay with the pouch now... mostly. :)
  • amymcs
    amymcs Posts: 9 Member
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