Why do I find it so hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day?



  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    I honestly can't remember the last time I drank 8 glasses of water a day. I allow myself a glass of juice a day at breakfast, and even after exercise I can't gulp down water like some people do - I drink really slowly by taking tiny sips.
    Any suggestions on how to increase my water consumption without making me feel physically sick and bloated?

    I've tried adding squash to my water for taste, but I don't want to drink 8 glasses of this a day! And I really don't think that taste is the problem.

    I would really appreciate it if I could get some help :-) Thank you very much Abbie xo

    I switched to drinking almost only water. I drink 8z cups starting with when I first wake up, and another before I walk out of the house.... I know people will say any fluid will count...but for me water is water...water is not h2o with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, a ton of empty calories or half of my day's sodium.

    Make the effort consciously and you'll be up to 8 in no time. I drink 12 to 15 cups a day...helps keep me fool.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I set small goals. I try to have 2 cups by 10, another 2 cups by noon (or the end of my lunch), 2 cups by 5 and 2 cups by bed. I do push more in the morning so that I'm not peeing all night and I also have found that if I get 4 cups by lunch time that I do better with water the rest of the day. Sometimes the 4 cups after lunch ends up being more.
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Start off small, try to drink 12oz before every meal. I personally have a hard time NOT drinking 8 glasses, habits! Just set little goals at time you'll get there ;)
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    It's hard because it's not natural to drink when you are not thirsty.
  • msommy
    msommy Posts: 17 Member
    I find it super hard to drink that much water too! I am just not that thirsty!! But....I have found that if I eat something spicy, I want to wash it down and with water nearby, I drink it.....lots of it. Yesterday I ate 2 spicy peanuts....and drank an entire bottle of water! Now grant it these peanuts are labeled "The Worlds Hottest"...which they probably are. But either way...spicy food gives you a sense to drink more I always found.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Coffee, sodas and tea don't count because they are diuretics.

  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    I have a big (32 oz.) water bottle that I carry with me everywhere. It's always full of ice water. If I forget my water bottle and have to use a glass I will drink much less.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I posted this earlier today. You don't need to hit a certain "cup" amount, you just need to be hydrated:

  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 299 Member
    I mostly drink green tea (no sweetener), but not in the quantities discussed here. There are lots of good reasons to drink water but the urine test is the best feedback on whether your body is getting adequate fluids. So my personal perspective is don't get too hung up on the number, just monitor and adjust as needed.
  • Bethabooo
    Well most glasses have 2 cups in them so you really only need 4 tall classes.
  • shadowess3
    shadowess3 Posts: 22 Member
    I have trouble drinking so much water as well (except when I'm working out, then I can't seem to get enough - which I figure is because I'm dehydrated going into the workout)

    I find the easiest way is to have a water bottle that has the marking on it so you can keep tabs on how much you are drinking. Even if you prefer drinking from a glass, pour it out of your water bottle into a glass and drink it.

    Someone suggested drinking water through a straw, this can help some people because when you use a straw you prevent yourself from taking in extra air which can give you that bloated feeling.

    Also, keeping the water bottle nearby is really helpful. As well, trying to drink a glass 10-15mins before a meal ensures that you do drink it, as well as sometimes when you think you're hungry, you are actually thirsty.

    I have started with a 4 glasses/day goal. I usually have a cup of tea, maybe some juice, plus the water from my food. Start with a reasonable goal for yourself. Once you have accustomed yourself to 4 cups then increase it each week until you are in the habit of drinking 8 cups.

    Good luck!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I have struggled this one for a while and from reading and experimenting my self I tend to agree with this article


    8 cup of fluids are what you generally need. And its best to not have all of it be something such as juice, coffee, soda or tea. My thoughts on how I count fluids are here.


    My mom's doctor has suggest that the 8 cups of fluid is really a maximum for her to help avoid her excess fluid issues. And they insist that she count all fluids, not just water.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Stop trying to do something you DON'T NEED TO DO!!!!!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I can only drink seven and a half glasses of water in a day, so I guess I'm doomed to stay fat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Keep a water bottle that holds at least 24 oz of water with you at all times and go through three of those per day and you'll exceed your water goal.

    Bottom line though, just stay hydrated...proper hydration helps your body absorb nutrients and also keeps you from dying of dehydration. If your piss is dark yellow, you're not properly hydrated...if it's mellow yellow or clear, you're all good.
  • Joluru
    Joluru Posts: 89 Member
    When I was struggling with building milk supply breastfeeding, my lactation consultant suggested 12-16 cups a day and that was a struggle. Her suggestion was to have a cup first thing when I woke up, a cup after every time using the restroom (which was often with that much water!), and a cup before each meal, and a cup before bed.

    If you have a cup in the morning, before bed, and before each meal, you've got 5 down right there. Add in 3 cups after bathroom breaks and you're all set.
  • RobfromLakewood
    One thing that has helped me is something called Soadastream. I just carbonate my water, no syrups added and I like water better. I can drink 10-15 glasses a day no problem.