Hello! Ready for the real thing...

Hi there!

I'm new to MFP and am interested in connecting with others here! I'm 31 y/o (32 in March), 5'2"ish, and about 120-122 lbs these days, and I would love to be at 110 (ultimately with significant muscle added, so maybe more, though I am already fairly strong and I'd love to see what's "underneath the padding").

I just started using the calorie counter last night and CRIKEY I had no clue that I was getting a significant portion of my calories (assuming 1200 is a good number for me) from breakfast alone! Also, I'm on the paleo diet and enjoy a fair amount of coconut oil/milk, and while I know that MCTs are supposed to be easily converted to energy, maybe it's too much of a good thing.

How I got here, the short version: I've never struggled with weight from an outside perspective, however, I have experience with eating disorders and body image issues. I've always navigated that line between curvy/slender, at times being happy with my body and other times being disgusted. 123 is about the heaviest I had ever been. The fact that, for the past six months, I had been exercising the most ever in my life, and seemingly had the best diet of my life, and hadn't been dropping pounds was causing me some consternation. Last night I went to a modern dance class and was able to see myself clearly in the full-length mirror... a bit of a wake-up call!

Today is the first day of my life that I have an awareness of a calorie budget, though maybe there is more uplifting way to think of it. I think my biggest caloric challenge is snacking at night!

IRL I'm an artist/musician/performer/therapist/teacher and live with my similarly food-obsessed cat and my dear partner, who is also fairly health-conscious (and adores being challenged by my experiments in radical diet changes, such as paleo :wink: ).

I'd love to hear from new friends here, to have your support and to offer mine.


  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Hon and welcome :) Before you get too far into this check out http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 I tell you because I set my daily calories too low in the begining and I didnt lose anything, got really moody/irritable and was hungry all the time. I've been struggling to get my appetite back and forcing myself to eat at least my BMR (how much to keep your organs healthy if you were in a coma) I'm 5'2 ish too not far off of my goal weight and neither of you. As you get close you need to fuel your body and 1200 calories is probably too little. Trouble is for people who arent over weight but want to change fat to muscle you need to feed your body enough calories as you add in exercise. Check out that link as it explains everything. Sending friend request btw :) I'm on daily so far and finaly saw the scale move this morning. I'd like to support you, but want to do it in a healthy way.
  • sironae
    sironae Posts: 19
    Nice to meet you! :)

    I really am curious about the science behind all this... the post you linked looks very interesting and helpful! On first glance this is somewhat encouraging, since I'm pretty sure I have consistently been eating over 1200. Thank you very much for giving me something to explore further! Excited to support you as well.
  • sironae
    sironae Posts: 19
    Buying a tape measure today to try this out!
  • gav2085
    gav2085 Posts: 11
    Hi All, Not new to mfp but just haven't been using it enough.

    I have just weighed myself at 355.6lbs down from 370lbs a few months ago. I just wanted to say hi and ask if anybody out there around the same weight but would welcome anybody to support me in my efforts and i could return the favour.

    I find it very very hard not to eat junk as i love it so much, but for the last two weeks i have managed to stick to a breakfast (7am) lunch (1pm) and dinner (between 6 - 7pm) with snacking on snackajacks or fruit in between if hungry.

    This is the problem i ALWAYS seem to be hungry. I hate it but have to deal with it. I drive a van for a living so not very active at work but do have an expensive exercise bike in my room (but i hate to exercise) yes i am very lazy.

    My doctor says i should be about 180lbs to be healthy so i have a long way to go. I am now very willing to crack on and record everything i eat. Any advice i can get would also be a great help.

    Anyway thanks everyone for reading and listening to me ramble on and look forward to your replies.
