Older and struggling to lose



  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    You are a young lady yet! But it is true that the body changes after menopause and hangs on to its weight, and gains! MFP is great at providing bio-feedback that helps us manage a healthy lifestye as we age.

    I'm 63, and live in a cold climate. I've invested in a good treadmill and quiet exercycle so that I can be active when facing a Canadian winter and its treacherous ice. In addition I do tai chi, which is a great exercise in keeping your joints supple and your balance good. I also swim and do aquafitness. This last keeps me moving in ways that would double me up outside of the water. Some of the ladies in my aquafit class have been coming for 18 years. And I square dance with my husband. It is a great social exercise that burns a huge amount of calories. We dance 2-3 times a week.

    Now is the time to establish a good base for ageing. You've got 5 years before you hit 50, so make sure you take full advantage of that capacity of speedy recovery that you have at that age to get yourself into top shape. You've got the right idea, and the right strategy.
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I am 58 and I certainly understand the importance of exercise and fitness. You can add me if you like. I am here every day. Anyone that wants to add me can. I try to support all of my friends that want support.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    41 years old here, in a cool climate as well. I hear you regarding the relative difficulty in keeping the pounds away as we get older and the joints and muscles don't respond the way our brains remember them doing when we were 19. Feel free to add me; I try to be on daily, and do my best to minimize cheat days.
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    57 and working hard!! I am also in the cold north, Central Michigan!!! While driving to the gym this morning the thermometer registerd 9 degrees!!!!!

    There are no special secrets, no gimicks that work - and not every calorie is the same!!!! Real, wholesome food as opposed to processed stuff, and burn more than you take in!!! Moving allows you to consume a bit more!

    Good luck, my journey has been years long but I think I have the right mindset this time. The first 7 lbs were a breeze but it has been tough since. I have added a lot of weight lifting so not seeing a lot come off the scale but was able to drop a pants size so staying motivated. DON'T LET THE SCALE RULE YOUR LIFE!

    Good Luck, feel free to add me!
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    I am also an early bird, up at 4am, out the door by 4:30 and at the gym by opening at 5am for the first classes which start at 5:05. Its a half hour drive to the gym but my daughter (30+) is there to push/assist/encourage me!! Then I drive half an hour back to work!!!

    Early loss but kind of holding, hopefully its the weight training keeping the scale the same, clothes are getting looser so I believe that is the deal. I have not had any wheat or sugar (or other sweeteners) in over 2 weeks so something has to give eventually!!!!
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I live in the Sierras in California near Lake Tahoe. I am not in the part of California as shown by Hollywood and Pacific Blue, etc. I am in the mountains. I am in snow country. I live out in the sticks. I travel into Sacramento 52 miles each day to work. I am 58 years old. :smile:

    I have been on MFP since May 1 due to my wonderful and beautiful daughter's encouragement, and I have lost so far 67 lbs. This time of year is the hardest. There are many of us "older" and the younger ones don't really understand the issues we encounter physically, metabolically, etc. :noway:

    Anyone that so wishes ... feel free to request away. I'm always looking for encouragement. I've been at a plateau since Dec 1 and it's driving me nuts, particularly since I've been exercising like crazy lately. :grumble:

    Now it's time to get back to work ... :bigsmile:
  • Imkuhn: Hang in there! I'm 45 and just recently joined a gym and our trainer recommended myfitnesspal and it has been invaluable for me. I had a horrible stressful 2012 (and my body definitely took the hit: high blood pressure/high cholesterol and weight gain!) and on Jan 1st my husband and I made a "committment" to start working out and lose some weight. My ideal goal is to lose 30-40 pounds by August so that I can attend a theme wedding in Mexico! Keeping track of my daily food intake is an eyeopener but is extremely helpful for me. Don't despaire or give up!! 45 seems to be that "magical age" where it is super hard to get your body to cooperate! Keep chatting on these posts too as there are many of us in your situation and we are here to support our Fitness Pals!!!

    Chomping on carrots, :happy:
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    I used to be able to buckle down and lose 10 lbs. in a flash. Ah, memories. It definitely gets harder as you age. I'm 53 and here are my keys:

    1. Effective dieting is not about denying yourself things you want; it is about positive alternatives to unhealthy choices. Find healthy foods that you like and eat well. And yes, you will not be able to eat some foods that you used to love, but I ask myself "Am I really dying to eat this doughnut/chip/french fry/soda?" because I know that eventually it will kill me.

    2. Incorporate exercise into your life. I dropped my gym membership because fitness had become a grind that I went somewhere to do. I wanted it to be better integrated into my life so I looked at my routine daily activities and made them more active, like biking to work 2-3 times per week (yes even in NYC winter--get some nice gloves and weird thermal tights) and doing a few good old fashioned calisthetics and streches right at home more regularly than when I used to go to the gym.

    3. Avoid injury. Know your body and be safe because injuries can really knock you off course. It's a delicate balance because you need to push yourself in whatever physical activity you do to get results. Slow and steady improvement wins the race.

    4. Be honest--you're only cheating yourself. And the people you love. We are all imperfect. Don't beat yourself up and deny that. Avoid the binge/shame cycle by adopting a fun and healthy lifestyle that is easy to go back to when you inevitably stray. So log those binges honestly and move on with head held high.

    I have only been on MFP for a few weeks and am learning a lot. I find it extremely helpful in flagging problem foods, providing a structure, and raising my fitness awareness. For that I am grateful. Please send me a friend request if you are interested in sharing food/exercise diaries for tips and motivation.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am 54 and I live in Maryland and it is cold here too.

    I too am struggling, but I am doing everything I am suppose to, eating in a proper calorie range, weighing and measuring food, tracking everything, cardio and light weights, walking daily and getting in 10000 steps a day....

    and I am gaining...not losing.... I have been in a plateau and gaining/losing the same 3-5 pounds for months (I have lost count)

    very depressing....

    Add me if you'd like.

    You didn't ask for advice so I hope I'm not overstepping, but if you just increase the intensity of your workouts a little you can probably break your plateau. It doesn't have to be a huge change, just add incline to your walks, or maybe try walk/jog intervals, up the weights a few lbs. Maybe try adding some bodyweight exercises. You don't necessarily have to exercise more, just a little harder.

    Good luck to you!
  • I am fairly new to MFP. I am also very discouraged,because I have tried so many other things over the years( I am 63). I don't want to be fat (237) I want to be more active but something in my head keeps saying you can't do this again, there isn't time, you have to do the house work. The other issue I have is I have a thin over active husband that likes ICE CREAM AND COOKIES BEFORE HE GOES TO BED EVERY NIGHT. How do you cope with all of this? How do I make the changes I need to make? Help!
  • p_hanks
    p_hanks Posts: 10
    I'm 58 and this is my second day on MFP. I have about 25 lbs. to lose. I'm in the cold, too. But I just suck it up and get out there. After about 15 minutes of brisk walking, I'm actually warm. Getting out the door is the hardest part. Feel free to add me to your friend list. Good luck!
  • zagrath769
    zagrath769 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello! I am from Nebraska so I know what you mean about the cold. I'm 43 years old. I'm not much for doing things outside this time of year, but I do belong to Curves and I go 2-3 times a week, so I get my exercise there. Best of luck to you. Friend me if you'd like to.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am fairly new to MFP. I am also very discouraged,because I have tried so many other things over the years( I am 63). I don't want to be fat (237) I want to be more active but something in my head keeps saying you can't do this again, there isn't time, you have to do the house work. The other issue I have is I have a thin over active husband that likes ICE CREAM AND COOKIES BEFORE HE GOES TO BED EVERY NIGHT. How do you cope with all of this? How do I make the changes I need to make? Help!

    You are never too old to get in shape and eat right. Just get up and move. Turn on some music and dance through your housework if that's the only time you have. Just get up and move!

    If avoiding the sweets when your husband eats them is a problem, than save 100-150 calories for the end of the day and have a Weight Watchers or Skinny Cow frozen treat. You don't have to give up all treats to lose weight.
  • lpeace2u
    lpeace2u Posts: 94 Member
    Living in Northeast Ohio, I can totally relate to not wanting to go out in the cold to run/walk or even go to the gym...sweat, don't want to shower at the gym...go out in the cold LOL I've made every excuse BUT this was my look at yourself hard in the mirror week and it motivated me to get to the gym. I lost 19 lbs. the hard way. Took a few months...or longer off. Realized I gain 5 lb. back and decided it was time to get back at it. I am 45. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Welcome feel free to add me :)
  • cindywomack1
    cindywomack1 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me.... I am 45. Hit 40, took a good hard look at myself, decided to lose weight and get into shape and now it is my lifestyle. you can get your metabolism reved up again, like when you were younger, but it is going to take work and dedication. I am in better shape and healthier at 45 than I was at 26.

    cindywomack1 on my fitness pa

    Cindy Link Womack on facebook
  • JanJan060
    JanJan060 Posts: 16 Member
    HI guys, I am 60 and signed up here Jan. 3 2013. This is exactly the plan we were loking for. I have lost 6lbs. so far. I need to loose 28more. Cause my motivation is my first grandchild is comming and I need to be in shape to take care of him or her.:sad:
  • I started having health issues March '12 and finally a hysterectomy in August. I have gained 30 pounds in the last year! Ugh!! Weight Watchers worked for me 10 years ago, but I've tried it twice since then and the new program doesn't work for me. I like MFP because the format reminds me of WW when I did it and it worked. I went back to the gym last Monday for the first time in months, I've been riding the stationary bike, I take a dance class once a week, but it just doesn't work like it did when I was 35. My husband started eating gluten free 2 weeks ago and he's lost 10 pounds. I'm counting calories, working out at least 4 times a week and I've lost 2.5. Life just isn't fair sometimes.... :(

    OK - pity party over, going downstairs to do DDR for 50 minutes...
  • MiguelX66
    MiguelX66 Posts: 24 Member
    I am 45 and have to work everyday to control the weight gain!!

    Same boat.

    The weight seems to come off in ounces but adds back quickly in pounds.

    We 'old' people must work harder!
  • pattkw
    pattkw Posts: 7
    Hello all of you young folks. I am 65 with a new hip replacement and degenerative discs in my lower back, so am unable to do any aerobics, serious walking or treadmill (surgeon's orders). I have tried every weight loss program out there and refuse to pay any more money to lose 10 pounds and regain even more. Been there, done that. I have over 50 lbs to lose. I heard about this program on the radio and found the website to be very user friendly, so here I go again. Living in southeastern Ontario, I too know about the cold and snow and the danger they pose to those less able. I look forward to starting this adventure and have logged in all of my food for the day. My problem is that I am too much of a social animal and love to meet friends or a drink or a meal. Unfortunately, that is what we seniors love to do. Unfortunately, I am the one with the weight issues. Wish me luck.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I am 44. The weight just seems to jump from things onto my 5'9" frame nowadays. :huh:
    You are welome to add me.
  • Hi, I will be 45 this year as well. I am new to this site and would also like some new friends for support ! Please add me :smile:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    I had to laugh when I read "older" and then read that you are 45 - - Yikes! I just turned 50 and it is such an uphill battle to fight this mid-life midsection. All my weight seems to settle right in the belly. In the past, if I gained a few extra pounds in the winter, it was not a big deal to take them off once the weather permitted me to bike ride and walk. Now, I have to bust my but doing aerobics and crunches and frequently get frustrated. I now need to lose 20-25 lbs and have been on an up-down merry-go-round for over a year. I feel your pain. Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • I'm 51. I think exercise becomes a more important part of weight control as we get older. The best tips I can give you are:

    1. Don't use age as an excuse, even if it is a legit one.
    2. Eat right. Eat for health and not for weight loss. If you eat a healthy diet and stick to your calorie goals you will get to a healthy weight.
    3. Have patience. Don't get caught up in gimmicks for quick weight loss. Eat a diet that you can live with forever.
    4. Exercise! Start slow if you are not used to it, but constantly push yourself to do more. Intensity matters. Include aerobic, flexibility and strength exercises. Find activities you enjoy. It shouldn't feel like work all of the time (though it probably will some of the time)
    5. Don't get discouraged when you have a bad day/weekend/week. You will have them. Everyone does. Shake it off and get back on track.
    Well said!
  • I am 66 and constantly struggle to lose weight -- it seems the older I get, the easier it is to gain, and the harder it is to lose. Not to mention that I can't do the exercises I could do twenty years ago! That being said, I square dance every chance I get, round dance once a week and Scottish Country dance once a week (each of these activities are 2 hrs. long and I burn about 600 cals each). It helps me to maintain a weight, but not losing yet! I am changing my diet drastically every day, and coming closer and :ohwell: closer to becoming vegetarian.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Hello all of you young folks. I am 65 with a new hip replacement and degenerative discs in my lower back, so am unable to do any aerobics, serious walking or treadmill (surgeon's orders). I have tried every weight loss program out there and refuse to pay any more money to lose 10 pounds and regain even more. Been there, done that. I have over 50 lbs to lose. I heard about this program on the radio and found the website to be very user friendly, so here I go again. Living in southeastern Ontario, I too know about the cold and snow and the danger they pose to those less able. I look forward to starting this adventure and have logged in all of my food for the day. My problem is that I am too much of a social animal and love to meet friends or a drink or a meal. Unfortunately, that is what we seniors love to do. Unfortunately, I am the one with the weight issues. Wish me luck.

    My doctors also told me not to exercise after I was in a traffic accident where I hurt my hips. I have 3 herniated discs and a bad knee. After weighing at 204, I decided that I was going to exercise and to deal with the fall-out after it happened. I have regular setbacks, but over the past two years, my recovery time has decreased, I've lost weight, and my fitness levels have greatly increased. While you may need to heal if you are post-operative, get yourself some physio-therapy, and get in the pool for aquafitness classes. You might have to skip some of the exercises, but you will get stronger. Doing nothing is just bad advice that will shorten your days.
  • why cant i just drink beer, eat pizza and look good. shouldnt it be that simple?
  • Tykk
    Tykk Posts: 153 Member
    Woah, 45 is so not "older!"

    I think you get to call yourself "older" when you're in your seventies. And even then, only if you're trying to get a seniors' discount!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    <---- 41
    Ohio, joined last year after a surgery to help me get back into pre-fibroid-tumor-shape, but better.

    Feel free to add me!