How do you jump start weight loss?



  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    are you drinking 64oz of water/day? If youre still hungry after eating your recommended cals, it could be because youre not drinking enough water. water helps to fill you up. Also, are you eating things of substance? Maybe try 6 smaller meals a day, rather than 3 larger meals a day. Also, make sure your recommended cals is correct.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    Back to the water thing.... if you are not drinking enough water, sometimes you will feel hungry, but really your body is just needing more water. Talk about head games, eh?
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I started out on MFP eating 1200 calories per day. I lost the first 15 of so pounds pretty quickly, but then the loss came to a screeching halt. To get it moving again (after a 3 month plateau) I INCREASED my calories. It seems counter intuitive, but it can and does work. Your body needs to be fueled properly to allow it to let go of fat.
    I'm 5'4", 36 years old, and currently weigh 131 pounds. I eat an average of 2,000 calories per day and I am still losing fat.

    How much exercise do you do? I'm also 5'4", 31 years old but weigh 190 pounds. I've been experimenting with all different caloric intakes based on my BMR and TDEE but can't seem to get the scale to budge for months. I've eaten anywhere from 1400-2200 calories depending on my exercise, etc.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I started out on MFP eating 1200 calories per day. I lost the first 15 of so pounds pretty quickly, but then the loss came to a screeching halt. To get it moving again (after a 3 month plateau) I INCREASED my calories. It seems counter intuitive, but it can and does work. Your body needs to be fueled properly to allow it to let go of fat.
    I'm 5'4", 36 years old, and currently weigh 131 pounds. I eat an average of 2,000 calories per day and I am still losing fat.

    I also started at 1200. When I increased it to 1500, I'm still stuck where i am at now...So I got nowhere. :(
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Somebody I spoke to recently that has done a nutrition course said that you have to eat 5-6 times a day, dividing your calories between those meals so that your metabolism is constantly burning the calories, instead of storing them, I havent tried it, but maybe it is worth a try for you. Good luck, dont get demoralised xx

    Yeah, someone else said i need a small snack in between meals to keep my metabolism working. I'll give it a try.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    are you drinking 64oz of water/day? If youre still hungry after eating your recommended cals, it could be because youre not drinking enough water. water helps to fill you up. Also, are you eating things of substance? Maybe try 6 smaller meals a day, rather than 3 larger meals a day. Also, make sure your recommended cals is correct.

    i try to drink a lot of water/fluids, but i usually don't hit the 64 oz. mark. i've always been that way. Occasionally it is tea, but mainly water.