Too Much Sugar = How can I lower my intake?

So after reading up on the dangers of too much sugar and insulin tolerance blah blah blah, I decided to watch the sweet numbers. What I hadn't reckoned on was how fast they add up! Take today for instance, my meals consist mostly of vegetables, fish, beans and Quorn (with the addition of a small - 250ml - soya milkshake) yet I'm apparently nearly 50% over my allocated sugar. I haven't even had my usually 2 portions of fruit. How is this possible when I haven't had any sweets (I dread to think what my intake is like when I've a sweet tooth!)

I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables each day normally so I know I should expect relatively high natural sugar intake... but how much is too much? MFP has set it at 36g each day. Should I even bother to count these? I've a mind to ignore it entirely but I really am worried about developing diabetes (like the rest of my family).

So peeps, what tips do you have to help me reduce my sugar intake?