I'm back and ready to loose that fat!

Hello Everyone!
So about a year ago I found this site and started to use it, then one month later I was pregnant....again! So this time I'm back on here and trying to loose 15-20 pounds. I have a 2 year old and a 7month old that keep me busy busy busy! If anyone one has any advice, recipes for a momma of two, let me know. My motivation this time around is fitting into a wedding dress. My husband and I have been married 1 year, but never had the wedding we wanted ( we went to the courthouse). We decided to have our wedding this year and now I need to get in shape fast. Wish you all the best!


  • chefcc
    chefcc Posts: 143
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Logging your calories will be a big help. That has helped me more than anything. Look under the recipe section and you will find a lot of good healthy recipes. The message boards provide a lot of motivation as well. Good luck and welcome back!!:smile: