Someone please tell me i'l adjust!

I just started for real counting my calories yesterday. Ive been trying to watch what i eat for awhile now but didn't really realize just how many calories I eat in a day. I do good till about 3pm then I just want to eat the whole house! My mind and stomach team up on me and I feel like I'm starving! Im trying to stay around 1400 calories a day on the days I dont work out.
I will get used to not snacking right? My body will adjust right? I just dont like that feeling like im having to fight the hungry feeling. Like I just HAVE to eat those pretzels!!


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I get the muchies around the same time each day. While I've noticed that my cravings have gone down a bit, I still have off days. What I've found works well for me, is to have snack prepared in advance in order to help take the edge off and keep me from snacking too much on items I know I shouldn't. Unfortunately, you'll probably always have to practice a bit of willpower (I do at least) but just keep trying to find ways to mitigate your munchie times.

    Good luck, I know it can be tough! And don't let the occasional slip up derail you completely. Each day is a new day and a new chance to start over.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Are you eating filling foods or junkier foods?

    I do have a few snacks throughout the day- if I stick to 3 meals I starve. You can have the pretzels if you stick to one servings size and plan the rest of your day accordingly. Or try snacking on veggies instead.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    your body is resistant to change because it believes we're still all living outside, unprotected from the elements and having to hunt or gather all our food without any guarantee of when we'll get our next meal. your body LIKES running on an extreme amount of calories because that's what it's used to. but as you adjust and resist the cravings, your body will adjust with you and you shouldn't have as many cravings. however for the time being, make sure you are choosing nutritionally dense foods that will help fill you up over a long period of time. and keep the junk food out of your house.