I've been losing extra slowly, then lost 2 lbs. this week!

Has anyone else had this happen? My weight loss the past five months has been excruciatingly slow (about five pounds in five months), even though I've been exercising more and my net calorie goal on MFP is only 1210. I am getting a little slimmer, though; I'm wearing smaller jeans, and my ribcage is definitely slimmer. But just this week, I've lost 2 lbs.! Weird. Has anyone else had this happen? I don't want to lose the muscle I'm working so hard to maintain, but it's nice to see something happen on the scale. But I know 2 lbs. a week is not a rate I should aspire to (I have about 20 lbs. of fat to lose).

The only thing I did differently this week is that I spent two days with my calorie limit at 1400 (close to BMR). Then I wondered if that was a good idea, so I switched it back to 1210 (what MFP recommends). Could eating a little more for a couple days have helped me lose weight?


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Maybe you weren't eating enough. I"ve also heard of zigzagging calories to help lose weight
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    Maybe I need one or two slightly higher calorie days a week.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Set your goal to 0.5lb to 1lb per week and ensure your lifestyle is properly set.

    Eating more can work to make you lose more weight. If you consistantly eat too little it can harm your journey. Eating too little and not enough protein will cause your losses to be part water, part fat and part muscle.

    Are you lifting weights? Heavy weights? With little left to lose you will see more change in your body from lifting heavy weights and eating more (maxing out on protein).
  • elizarou
    elizarou Posts: 35 Member
    For me, I know that zigzagging calories works. I usually up my intake on Saturdays and Sundays. But then I follow with a longer workout with lifting and more restriction on Monday. I weigh in on Wednesday on find that I lose about 1.5 per week. I also have a similar goal to you.
    So far I have been more than happy about it. When I first started I was eating 1300 every single day and was not feeling too great about my results and generally wellness. When I zigzag I also find that I can have time to splurge a little and not feel even a little bad about it.
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I do lift heavy weights three times a week at the gym. I started at 45 lbs. on the leg press, and now I'm up to 105 lbs. I've got some definition in my arms! (My legs are still too fat to show much muscle.)

    I try to keep my protein intake up. I do use whey protein to help with that. I just found a yummy chocolate one that makes delicious hot chocolate!

    I think I've got 20+ lbs. of fat to lose, so my goal weight will probably be in the low 130s. My minigoal is to weigh 140 at 25% or less bodyfat (currently 30%), then reassess from there and set a new goal.

    I am wondering if letting myself eat a bit more once or twice a week is actually something I should continue.