starving to death



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Do not skip breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day.
    This was a slogan created by the Cereal companies.

    Truth: EVERY MEAL is important.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.

    There is no such thing as "kick starting" your body. Well, maybe, but that's if your heart stops and that is for EMTs and doctors to deal with.

    OP, the advice about breakfast depends on the person. Some people control calories throughout the day better when they eat early in the morning and some don't. It really is up to you.

    Regarding your situation, someone posted a link to "In Place of a Road Map". I'd suggest reading through that. I don't know enough about you, but I'm guessing your are not eating enough. That's very rough guess, but that thread may help shed some light on your situation.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.
    Lol, put your metabolism in the toilet....................metabolism is ALWAYS RUNNING or you'd be considered deceased. There is no proof that breakfast "kick starts" metabolism. You've been buying into commercialized information. Do the actual research. Myself and others who are "in the know" have provided many links on issues like this to prove that you don't need breakfast to still lose weight in a healthy manner.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • datsassy03
    Protein. Will stick with ya longer so increase protein. To 60-75 grams. Daily then. Work on low carb veggies. Up to 2 cups lunch an dinner ... detox from sugars..potatoes rice.pastas breads.... fruit in moderation. I lean to rasberrys blueberrysi can always get frozen if fresh r expensive ordont look so good an a smoothie fills the sweet tooth.
    Eat around exterior of. Your local food Store...... we do the best we can.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    hey - I had the same problem with being hungry all the time and I started taking stuff called Shakeology about a year ago.... it's a one shake a day all natural thing. Cut my cravings and hunger right down and still allowed me to keep my calories down. Is this something you'd be interested in?

    i might be.. can you tell me more about it?

    You don't have to get sucked into buying that stuff.

    Up your calories and increase your protein intake as it is more satiating. Time your eating to when you feel most satiated throughout the day and as such helps with adherence.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.


    Read this:
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Protein. Will stick with ya longer so increase protein. To 60-75 grams. Daily then. Work on low carb veggies. Up to 2 cups lunch an dinner ... detox from sugars..potatoes rice.pastas breads.... fruit in moderation. I lean to rasberrys blueberrysi can always get frozen if fresh r expensive ordont look so good an a smoothie fills the sweet tooth.
    Eat around exterior of. Your local food Store...... we do the best we can.

    Any particular reason for eliminating potatoes, rice, pastas and breads?
  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    I also get extremely hungry when I rely on soups and fruits as part of my diet. I've found that eating more hearty protiens help make me feel full for longer and keep me in my caloric goal range.

    Good luck :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Please do not let that guy sell you Shakeology.

    Try this first:

    I'm not "Selling" anything - i'm recommending something that I use because it works for me. It's up to the individual if they want to use it or not themselves.

    If you are going to post a link - make sure it actually has something to do with what you are rambling about.

    This link is not selling anything. It is simply information for other MFP users to have that helps them figure out how many cal. they need to be eating to lose fat. It's not a gimmick and it not for sale. It's certainly not offering meal replacements that you could make at home for a lot less if you chose to "drink" your meals. This site is a healthy way to fat loss while eating food.
  • Joluru
    Joluru Posts: 89 Member
    I'd second the link to "In Place of a Roadmap." I did that and upped my calories according to my BMR and have lost almost 9 lb. in 18 days eating 1800 calories a day, at 45% carbs, 30% fat, 25% protein. I'm working toward 40/30/30.

    You don't have to eat special shakes to lose. Real food will do the job. Just figure out how much your body really needs and work out a plan to spread it out and keep yourself comfortable.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.

    Yes, don't listen to me. I know nothing!

    I'm not an advocate of skipping meals.. but I do it about once a week unintentionally and it has not been determintal to my health or my goals. Eitehr I get sick and can't eat or upset and can't eat or I am just not hungry and can't eat. Your body will tell you if your getting what it needs.

    I am trying hard to not skip meals but it seems not matter what.. at least oncea week I skip something.. sometimes it's dinner that I skip. LOL. Like today.. I am already stuffed and it's barely lunch time. lol. (I logged my lunch and after lunch snack that I didn't eat yet already) lol
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    Try throwing lots of veggies into your eggs. Mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, avocados, zuccini, bell peppers, and maybe some cheese or bacon for extra protein. This never fails to fill me up in the morning even without a piece of toast. When I start my day out with a full tummy, waiting around for my next meal is no longer a problem. You can also get in most of your servings of veggies and not have to worry about it the rest of the day. Big breakfasts are key. So are snacks. Fruit is a good snack, but make sure you get your proteins and fats in there too. An apple or celery with peanut butter, fruits or yogurt with nuts. If you have the time you can even throw together a quick chicken salad thats less than 200 calories with a full serving of meat (4 oz.). If its a question of how to spend your "last few calories" then go for the protein first and the carbs second. The protein takes longer to digest and will keep your metabolism working longer. Another issue might be that you think about eating too much. It's one of my personal faults and its what usually causes me to go over my limit. If this is the case, try getting involved in what your doing more. And find something you love to do! Doing something you love will boost your attitude, and often times you will find that you FORGET to eat!

    Hope this helps,
  • Joluru
    Joluru Posts: 89 Member
    I also heartily recommend green smoothies - fruit, green leafy veggies, maybe some yogurt or milk, flax or chia seeds. I start every day with a smoothie and it's a tasty way to get in an easy 3-4 servings of fruits and veggies. I'm not usually very hungry in the morning but I can drink a smoothie even when I don't feel all that hungry, and then I'm not starving at lunch time.
  • HeatherTransformed
    HeatherTransformed Posts: 213 Member
    I eat either a salad or hummus and veggies a day. With the hummus and veggies, I cut up a plate a veggies and have a piece of flatbread with the hummus and it's only 360 calories. You can do the same with a salad... loads of fruits/veggies with chicken breast or tuna and only 2 tbsp of dressing. Super, super filling!
  • taormoi
    While I do agree with this, I would be miserable if I skipped breakfast and would probably pork out by lunch time because I would be utterly famished. I know skipping breakfast works for some, but I'd definitely be starving if I did it and my blood sugar levels would be completely jacked.

    I don't eat anything until at least 11am and I'm done eating for the day at 6pm. You'd be surprised how limiting your food intake down to 8 hrs or so per day will knock off food cravings. Yes, I do get up before 7am most mornings. I prefer to fast before working out generally.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    If you are constantly dying of hunger then you obviously are not eating enough. Your body is really good at telling you that when you're eating so little.

    Increase until you stop feeling hungry, check out what your BMR (minimum calorie intake) and TDEE - (0-20)% is and you should shoot for something in that range regularly. It has worked well for me, I eat more and never feel hungry (still crave the bad stuff but don't actually feel like I need to eat it).

    Don't starve!
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    I tried 1200 calories and was always hungry as well. Try these two things:

    Bump your calories up to 1350

    Skip Breakfast - it's not the end of the world like most people would have you believe. Jillian Michaels is an advocate for skipping breakfast. I find when I skip breakfast, my calories are always lower on that day. Breakfast makes me hungrier for the rest of the day.

    This is what i do.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Do not skip breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day. Get a good bowl of oatmeal in you with some protein powder to help sustain you all morning (this is about ~250 calories if you're making your own, I like to make mine in the crockpot [using steel cut oats] the night before and have leftovers for the whole week!). BTW, Jillian Michaels does not recommend skipping breakfast... Especially in her "Master your Metabolism Book". 'Eat like a queen in the morning, a princess in the afternoon, and a pauper at night.'

    Respectfully, all of this information is based on outdated, misinterpreted studies that have lived on because of word of mouth. I do eat breakfast myself, but the studies that led people to believe that breakfast , or having several small meals throughout the day helps your metabolism actually state that "when" you break your fast these helpful processes occur; not that it has to happen at a specific time. If you break your fast at lunch time, the same exact thing happens. Again, I'm not pointing this out to be disrespectful, as I believed this until I got curious and read the studies myself. The same works also don't say what people think they say about having several small meals as opposed to 3 larger meals, but I digress.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.

    Yes, don't listen to me. I know nothing!

    I'm not an advocate of skipping meals.. but I do it about once a week unintentionally and it has not been determintal to my health or my goals. Eitehr I get sick and can't eat or upset and can't eat or I am just not hungry and can't eat. Your body will tell you if your getting what it needs.

    I am trying hard to not skip meals but it seems not matter what.. at least oncea week I skip something.. sometimes it's dinner that I skip. LOL. Like today.. I am already stuffed and it's barely lunch time. lol. (I logged my lunch and after lunch snack that I didn't eat yet already) lol

    That is your personal preference, so you should not be telling the OP to ignore peoples suggestions to do such. Also, meal timing has no impact on your metabolism, so that statement is not correct.
  • porkchop_13
    I am having sort of the same problem. I get to the end of the day (after dinner but before bed) and I feel soooo hungry!

    Same here. I try to drink lots of water but then I'm up at all hours of the night! I would love some suggestions as well to keep me full til morning