What Will You Do When You Reach Your Target?



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    pjilly, that is great...I have a ways to go but I am determined to get there! I have 2 small kids that monopolize a lot of my time. Right now I am waiting for earlier sunrise so that I can get up at 5am to get a workout in before dropping them off to school and going to work by 8am. I know I am not the only one with this challenge, just trying to make it fit in my lifestyle (being there for my kids as well as me) But luckily, my husband and I are doing this together. Any tips you want to offer?
    My biggest tip is: "Consistency, consistency, consistency." You don't have to take on an overly ambitious workout schedule, and you don't need to lose 2 pounds a week. Figure out what you can realistically do, and then stick to it, even on days you don't feel like it. If you discover what you're doing really isn't working for you, don't be afraid to tweak it (food and/or exercise), but don't give up. Good luck! I know you can do it!!!
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    I am heading to the beach. Once I hit my goal of 150, it will be the first time in nearly a decade I've been under 200. I might even wear shorts and a tank top!! If I get to 140, a bathing suit will be in the works as well. Oh, I'm 5'9"
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    What Will You Do When You Reach Your Target?

    Become a stripper.:bigsmile:

    Sooooooo just kidding! I'm not coordinated enough to dance in high heels. :glasses:

    KIDDING AGAIN. I mean, it is true that I lack the coordination but I still wouldn't/couldn't be a stripper. LOL. :laugh:

    I plan to continue with my healthy lifestyle, eating and exercising the same way I did while here, on my journey to lose weight. Maintenance calories will allow me a little more food than I eat now, but I'll still watch my weight and carry on in a healthier manner!! :drinker:
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    PJILLY---WTG! You have my goal too! I'm so happy you reached it. I began at 186.5 pounds in June 2009. I'm down to 153.8 and so hoping to hit 145 by late spring. Chipping away at it :)

    OP- When i reach my goal i will adjust my calories to maintain. I will contine my new lifestyle of being accountable and working my *kitten* off exercising if i have a treat day or whatever. Eating smarter and less even when having treats. Knowing i deserve to be thinner more than i deserve whatever i seem to want to put in my mouth.
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    I will keep doing this, I see no reason to change it .
  • gummibaehr
    gummibaehr Posts: 143
    I'll keep up with my exercise and eat a little bit more. :-9

    I also plan on replacing my entire wardrobe from the skin out.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've always wanted to be one of those girls at the gym that only wears a sports bra and short shorts to work out in. Hopefully I can 'cause my belly will be flat and my thighs won't rub together so I can wear short shorts & not get a rash!! So, I'm going to go mega shopping for clothes and a ton of cute sports bras & shorts to show off at the gym (it's an all women's gym, so no sluttiness here :P)
  • OliveCulona
    SHOP (for clothing) like ALOT!


    Shopping spree!!!!!!! WOOHOO
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Well, personally, if I continue doing well, I will win $450 in prize money from my office-based weight loss competition. In which case, I will be heading to the nearest Coach store. :) I've always wanted one and never could afford it.

    The good news is that the purses I'm looking at only run around $225. So I will still have half the money left. And I intend to spend it ALL on clothes. Clothes for my cruise in May, clothes for work, clothes, clothes clothes! I'm assuming that by this time I will hate shopping much less.

    I will also be working on maintenance obviously, but I'll allow myself a treat a little more often. Right now it's balls to the wall trying to lose for the competition (and for the cruise, and for life in general), but once I'm to maintenance levels I will allow myself to go over a little every few weeks.

    I will definitely order a supreme pizza asap and crack open a bottle of wine with hubby.

    But I definitely know I'll be keeping to MFP to maintain. :)
  • hollyroode
    Night away with my husband...jaccuzzi suite, out to dinner and a few glasses of wine! And I'll buy a new outfit for the night out :)