Question about waistline

What exactly does it mean that I'm 6 foot 3, weigh 305 lbs and still have a 53" waistline? I see people who are much heavier than I am and their waistlines are the same and in some cases smaller than mine. According to all the body fat charts I've seen, I'm technically in worse health than I was when I started my diet at 450 and had a 64" waistline. My target goal is 250 lbs and may move it to 200 lbs if I feel like I can but I'm honestly beginning to be fearful that I could possibly be 250 lbs and still have a 45 inch or higher waistline.


  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    Are you saying your body fat percentage has gone up? If that's the case you may want to try more protein, and less cardio and more walking.

    But be proud of your weight loss!
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Its only unhealthy fat levels and visceral fat levels that can be too high.
    Body types are not involved in these general calculations
    I wouldnt be scared of anything at all loosing weight and getting fit or fitter keep going,
    there is no such thing as the correct arm or leg length or torso length so why worry!
    Be as healthy as you can be and abandon all guides along the way as you change
    your lifestyle and health and likely lifespan!
  • Are you saying your body fat percentage has gone up? If that's the case you may want to try more protein, and less cardio and more walking.

    But be proud of your weight loss!

    The only exercise I can do is walking and that's a real struggle because of severe hip, back and knee pain. I walk 30 minutes twice a day on a perfectly flat treadmill and usually after 10 minutes I hurt so bad that I'm nearly in tears. Sometimes in the morning I hurt so bad that I nearly have to have my wife get me out of bed.

    Yes, according to all the measurements I've found, my body fat has increased from 27% to around 33% despite losing over 145 pounds.
  • bazman7323
    bazman7323 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Des, I think it depends on how you are getting your body fat calculated. If you are using electric scales then they pass an electric current through you and calculate the % from the length of time the signal takes to flow through you. I think it travels through fat faster than muscle (or could be vice versa). Bottom line with these is that your fluid levels and other things can throw the results off so don't look at they results in isolation but all your measurement together.

    Please note that I am no expert so what I would suggest is that if you are really concerned then a visit to your doctor is in order.

    If you are losing weight and are doing so by eating a well balanced diet be very content that you are doing the right thing and think more about how you are feeling in general than what certain measurements are saying (the feel good factor that you are becoming healthier, and feeling healthier, should be one of your priority measurements). you have lost a shed load of weight and should be so, so proud of yourself and know that you are inspiring people like me to do the same.

    It may be a case that you are eating into your muscle mass rather than your fat reserves so have a look at your diet and make sure you are eating enough protein. Also there are loads of exercises you can do sitting down so do some research into these (again your doctor may help).

    Remain determined and good luck.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Your true body fat can only be assessed by an MRI scan or high tech water tank technology!
    Just do your best and stop doing calculations as they are not motivating you.
    Measurements are guides for doctors or motivational guides for people on their journey!
  • Truth is, I hurt far worse today than I ever did at my heaviest. My doctor has told me he's at a total loss to explain this. My knee problems only started after losing my first 50 pounds. Before that, even at well over 400 pounds, I never had any knee problems whatsoever. My doctor has told me he's never once seen someone lose that much weight and be in far worse physical shape than when they started.

    I'm using an app called Fitter to get the measurement and I've checked several websites to confirm the numbers and they all match very closely.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
  • Health care in the southeast is terrible. Honestly he's no different than any other doctor I've come across here in this leper colony.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Truth is, I hurt far worse today than I ever did at my heaviest. My doctor has told me he's at a total loss to explain this. My knee problems only started after losing my first 50 pounds. Before that, even at well over 400 pounds, I never had any knee problems whatsoever. My doctor has told me he's never once seen someone lose that much weight and be in far worse physical shape than when they started.

    I'm using an app called Fitter to get the measurement and I've checked several websites to confirm the numbers and they all match very closely.

    So websites can measure your body fat why cant you investigate what I told you above!
    Any thing can cause a knee problem , loosing weight cannot cause knee problems/
    Im thinking you must be an internet troll now!
  • I didn't say directly that weight loss caused my knee problems. It just seems unusual that my knee problems developed after dieting and have only gotten worse as I've lost more and more weight.

    For the record, the troll comment is unnecessary and utterly pointless. Nonsense like that is why I don't like to come to this board too often unless I have a concern that I can't elsewhere find an answer for.
  • chaoskitty
    chaoskitty Posts: 29 Member
    After reading this post, I think your knee problems getting worse is because you ARE exercising where as before you probably didn't work out for an hour a day on a treadmill.

    Just my two cents. :) PS I think your doing an awesome job!
  • After reading this post, I think your knee problems getting worse is because you ARE exercising where as before you probably didn't work out for an hour a day on a treadmill.

    Just my two cents. :) PS I think your doing an awesome job!

    I've had that suggested before and it does make sense. Only thing is that I could understand that if it started immediately when I started my diet. However, when I first started, my knees didn't hurt. I was 3 months into my diet before my knees began to hurt and like I said, they hurt worse than ever now.

    I've also had it suggested that perhaps I had developed fibromyalgia but I don't think that to be the case because I'm not in crippling pain 24/7. If I'm awake, generally I'm in some degree of pain in my back or hips especially but it's not a crippling, debilitating pain unless I'm exercising or for about the first 90 minutes after exercising.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    "I've also had it suggested that perhaps I had developed fibromyalgia but I don't think that to be the case because I'm not in crippling pain 24/7."

    Fibro does not cause pain 24/7 - people with fibro can go days pain free.

    Also, you are using your knees, legs, arms more than what you used to and this may be aggravating your joints. If your doctor is at a loss and cannot offer any helpful suggestions, I suggest finding a new one.

    Lastly, once a workout starts to hurt so bad you want to cry - STOP IT!
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    I wouldn't worry about your body fat looking like it's going up. my scale and measurements put me at 50% bodyfat one day. As a 150lb woman who's been lifting weights for over 20 years, I know it was incorrect. Maybe try spitting up your walks to 10 minutes at a time thougout the day? and I agree with chaoskitty..if you didn't exercise before, that's probably why your knees are bugging you now. Give yourself kudos for coming as far as you have~!
    and the will eventually go down. Unfortunately, we don't lose weight evenly all over our body.
  • Without getting too personal regarding your health issues...have you considered that you may have fibro or something of the like? Also, you are using your knees, legs, arms more than what you used to and this may be aggravating your joints. If your doctor is at a loss and cannot offer any helpful suggestions, I suggest finding a new one.

    Lastly, once a workout starts to hurt so bad you want to cry - STOP IT!

    If I did that, I'd get maybe 20 minutes of exercise maximum a day and my metabolism is so bad that if I dropped my exercise to that level, I'd never lose weight.
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    One other thing, after reading some more..saying it's diet.. What have you changed? Do you maybe have gout? are you eating more red meat? Has your dr tested for that?
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Without getting too personal regarding your health issues...have you considered that you may have fibro or something of the like? Also, you are using your knees, legs, arms more than what you used to and this may be aggravating your joints. If your doctor is at a loss and cannot offer any helpful suggestions, I suggest finding a new one.

    Lastly, once a workout starts to hurt so bad you want to cry - STOP IT!

    If I did that, I'd get maybe 20 minutes of exercise maximum a day and my metabolism is so bad that if I dropped my exercise to that level, I'd never lose weight.

    If you're eating a healthy diet at 20% below your TDEE, you will lose weight whether you exercise or not. Exercise is awesome, but if you're truly in that much pain you either need to find another way to exercise (ie pool) or manage your weight loss via eating.

    ps, I checked out your diary, why not just add the foods you eat to ensure you're eating the right macros?
  • One other thing, after reading some more..saying it's diet.. What have you changed? Do you maybe have gout? are you eating more red meat? Has your dr tested for that?

    I eat chicken at least 3 times a week. Much more fresh and canned(low sugar or sugar free) fruit than ever before. I also only eat 93% lean hamburger. I do splurge maybe once every 4 to 6 weeks however. My biggest change was portion control. My meals now consist of what I previously would've considered a light snack. Most of my weight loss has come through diet changes and portion control because I physically am unable to do a lot of exercising.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    If anything you may just have an apple body shape
  • Without getting too personal regarding your health issues...have you considered that you may have fibro or something of the like? Also, you are using your knees, legs, arms more than what you used to and this may be aggravating your joints. If your doctor is at a loss and cannot offer any helpful suggestions, I suggest finding a new one.

    Lastly, once a workout starts to hurt so bad you want to cry - STOP IT!

    If I did that, I'd get maybe 20 minutes of exercise maximum a day and my metabolism is so bad that if I dropped my exercise to that level, I'd never lose weight.

    If you're eating a healthy diet at 20% below your TDEE, you will lose weight whether you exercise or not. Exercise is awesome, but if you're truly in that much pain you either need to find another way to exercise (ie pool) or manage your weight loss via eating.

    ps, I checked out your diary, why not just add the foods you eat to ensure you're eating the right macros?

    MFP recommends me eating 2080 calories a day. If I eat even as much as 1600 calories a day, even with exercise, I will gain weight.