not much time to go to gym ;-(



  • hassb12
    I also started 20 minutes exercise in the morning before going to work. It has been a week now but I feel great.
    I hope to continue everyday. try to increase your workout, have a daily routine even if it is 10 minute and stick to it.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    I too have found that between being a mom, wife, student and full time worker its hard to fit in going to the gym - so I don't I do my workouts at home - we bought a treadmill as a gift to eachother last year and I have DVD's that I use. It makes it easier to be able to do a workout when I can fit it in at home verses trying to fit a workout into when the gym is open (and for those with younger not school age chidlren when they have childwatch) If you would like to add me as a friend you can - I am 5'3-5'4 depending on who measures me and weigh 214 (started above 230)
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Thanks daughter is 2 so she keeps me busy when I get home. I love to dance. I will start putting Pandora on more often and move around. I have a desk job all day..and I hate it!!

    Desk jobs suck. I agree with most of the advice above, but another way to help you increase that calorie deficit is just to move more throughout the day. I have a pedometer and make a point to get 10,000 steps a day in - this means I get up every hour or so and walk around the building, go up the stairs, back down, and back up again, take the long way to bathroom, etc... If I don't do it during the workday, that turns into a lot of walking/running at night. Having a tool like that really makes you think about how much time you spend being sedentary and helps you get your general activity level up. This doesn't replace a good workout - you still need those for your overall health - but it raises your TDEE a little.
  • Tann33
    Tann33 Posts: 101 Member
    You can run or jog in place and gradually try and kick your legsup higher and pick up the pace. You can also jump rope in place minus the jump rope. I am a mother of four and I usually go to the thrift store and buy my gym equipment. Even though its out dated. I have an exercersie bike, weights, thigh lift machine, jump rope, a small trampoline, a stomach roller, and something else that I see at Wal-Mart but can't remeber the name. I also turn my music on and get busy.

    You can do it. don't give up.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    make time,, your health should come first.
  • manthyj
    It's very hard but i get up at 430 am to be able to get MY time at the gym. It's the only way I can guarantee to get it done, and there is no one there and it's quiet. It is a big committment, but it helps get me through the day too. I always tell myself, If i'm sitting and watching TV or sitting and doing anything, i have more time to be at the gym! Good luck:smile::smile:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I am 5'4 and weight 263. My goal is to be 180lbs. Looking for some friends for the journey. As much as I hate saying it because of my wife and mother duties I do not have time to go to the gym as often as I would like. (I go once a week 30min. on the eliptical.) I am open to any suggestions. I am on a 1380 cal. a day plan on MFP. This is day 3 for me.

    Bring the gym home without all the equipment :)

    Use work-out DVD's and buy some small hand weights and a beginner kettlebell set (that usually comes with a DVD to show you how to use it) and some weighted bands and you got enough to get you going for quite some time! I do it this way and certainly have had some great results from it. The last time I lost weight (181ish to 128lbs 2009/2010) I did it this way and I looked pretty good. So give it a try, it can be pretty cheap if you research the prices around you.