Psychic, Intuitive, Sensitive... or Nuts?

MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
Psychic, Intuitive, or Sensitive?

So… I’m a believer in all of the above. And you can add to that list ghosts, demons, and lots of things in between.

I’m curious – what psychic abilities do you have? What have been your personal experiences?

I personally think I fall into the sensitive category. I get a lot of impressions and feelings – some might just call it good ol’ intuition. I find I can usually pick up when someone is lying, I can sometimes “guess” the history of an item or a place. I also think I pick up on people that have passed on and frequently have the urge to give people a message, out of the blue, that means nothing to me. When I get the courage to do it, I almost always get a shocked reaction and a confirmation that whatever it was means SOMETHING to them. It’s usually accompanied with “OMG, how could you know that?!”

Most recently, my friend was having weird occurrences in her house. So I went over to do a house blessing and smudge (burn white cedar and lavender in the house to encourage negativity to leave with the smoke). I got the following, confusing, but distinct impression: a boy named Brandon, 15-16 years old, with an older-younger-brother spirit, and some association with the name Destiny or Dusty. Now, none of that meant anything to me. But I promised I’d tell my friend anything I picked up, so I did.

She burst into tears and told me she had actually had a miscarriage 16 years ago, between her oldest and youngest daughter’s births. She hadn’t told anyone at the time except her husband. While the baby was too young to confirm it’s sex, she felt it had been a boy… and they had decided on the name Brandon. In addition, the had decided on an unlikely nickname of Destyn related to a role-playing character they had become attached to years earlier.

Things that make you go Hmmm.


  • Dyann_Alvarez
    Dyann_Alvarez Posts: 61 Member
    I have none of the above. I can be over sensitive to Hallmark commercials around Christmas time and card reading at the Hallmark store when buying for my kids. However... I do believe. I haven't gotten it "figured" out but I do know there's more than what we see with our eyes. Cool for you, if you're cool with it. I know some people are afraid. I think my little brother (46 now!) had some beginnings of that kind of gift when he was a little boy. He's had a few encounters but it was never encouraged and it scared the poop out of him! I wonder now, though, what was going on. Yeah.... Things that make you go hummmmm....
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Ha!! Sensitive to Hallmark I tell you, tho, they DO have a way to suckerpunch you, huh?! That and the ASPCA adds.

    Whatever this is doesn't scare me. It used to, when I was much younger, but now it doesn't cause me any fear. I *do* get fearful of telling others what may pop into my head. I figure everyone will think I'm nuts. Or I'll be wrong.

    My Dad is completely creeped out by it and doesn't want me to bring it up anywhere within his earshot. My husband used to think I was nutty... until I had a few messages for him from people that had passed that were very right and meant something to him. And when he goes with me to the casino and I win... well, he enjoys THAT. I wish I could turn it on and off or direct it (like, pick the winning lotto numbers!!) but it doesn't work that way. Stuff just happens when it happens. I will say I'm exceedingly lucky at gambling... and almost always win when I play.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Too many experiences to list, and I am very sensitive and seem to have been blessed(cursed) with most of the so called abilities in that area. I used to be very heavily into it, and did some trance mediumship, and was giving 5 pages of information to people that just seemed to flow into my head from goodness knows where but I gave all of it up, or rather, have closed my 'eyes' to it for the time being. It didn't fit well with the rational part of my mind.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,585 Member
    I claim no psychic, intuitive, etc. powers........................but I can tell if there's food nearby. Does that count?:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I can 'read' people when I meet them in person. I can tell if they are trustworthy, honest, or not. I even get some sort of insight into what kind of person they are.

    I get dreams that usually come true, and flashes of events that actually happen either in mere moments or within a few days.