Misty Kapp

Hello my name is Misty Kapp and i have a 2 year old little girl. I broke up with my bf last month and I'm trying to get myself back into shape and feel good about myself again. I want to be able to look at myself and say i look pretty. I want to feel sexy again and be able to play with my little girl without being out of breath. Its very hard but i think if i keep up with this I will be able to do it. I just have to push myself and get it done. I started a week ago today and i have lost 2.4 lbs already. I'm loving it.


  • MissKarlee89
    MissKarlee89 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi. If ur looking for friends on here then feel free to add me. We could all do with a little support and motivation. :). X