I'm so mad with myself :-(



  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I have an addictive personality, i am now addicted to MFP, i spend hours on it, reading the threads etc , keeps me from snacking though and in touch with my friends. Please give yourself a break, the guilt will quite literally kill your good intentions. Go for a walk, and get back on it with our support x
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Don't wait until tomorrow to start a new day. Start now. Just be done with it and move forward...
    Good advice
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I was just talking about this with a woman at my gym. We've both lost substantial amounts of weight and we both still struggle with food. We talked about this obsessive need to over eat and how once we start it is hard to shut that off in your brain. This goes so much further than just eating badly, this is something within us, some obsessive behavior that is hard to control. When I say no to a food I sometimes get a negative reaction from other people but the fact is I know one donut or cookie is not always enough. I get the oh you need to treat yourself speech but what many fail to understand is that while yes I believe that too, I also know that I can take that treat much too far and before I know it I've eaten halfway through my fridge LOL Taking bad foods out of your house doesn't always fix the problem either because then someone with an eating disorder will just binge on something that is there. Talking to my new friend at the gym has really helped because we just need to know that someone understands.
  • Lisa2bHappy
    @ runnerchick69 :-) its nice to know people understand. I respect all comments but you truly know when someone gets it as those who do not understand think it is about being greedy or weakness. Well it aint.. Its more than that and it goes further than just will power for sure. So thanks again.

    @ those who obviously dnt understand.. Thanks for your comments also but im not sure you understood my post. I know its going to be tough as im not just dealing with losing weight im dealin with a addiction & well to put it bluntly no where in my post did I blame anyone for my over eating. Im taking it day by day and today so far so good. I will beat my addiction and keep posting... I will share both good and bad in the hope it helps and inspires people along the way.
    Also plz note the comment I can not be in the mind set that 'i can have a treat' as I simply 'can not'. I do not have that cut off switch that says 'that was a nice cheeky treat'.. I go to far. I started 12 days ago and did great till day 10 so that is actually amazing for someone like me.
    Im back on track today and thanks again for all posts.. I may not agree with some of the comments but I do respect the time taken to reply and that your advice came from a good place x
  • pjpistek
    pjpistek Posts: 9 Member
    Your so right! I had a bad day at work the other day and realized as soon as I got home I went straight to the kitchen and wanted to eat away the stress! I for the first time in my life recognized how I try to comfort myself with food. It was hard but I did not blow it. And I had plenty of temptation in the cabinets and fridge. Good luck, losing weight is also a mind game as well as calories and exercise.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    I have issues with wanting to binge in the evening too. I cleaned out my kitchen so if I really want to eat all there is to choose from is fruit, fruit and more fruit. I have started trying to do my excercising in the evening when I want to sit and watch TV. This seems to help keep me on track. You need to find something to occupy your mind. When my mind becomes idle it turns to food!!!!

    You have to put the last two days behind you and start fresh!!! You can do this!!!!!

    Agree! Keep moving and stay busy. Organize a room. Workout. Play with your pet. Keep your mind busy and throw the junk out of the house. If you want a cookie go eat it at a coffee shop not at home. Keep home a safe zone. And for sure we all start over there is a new day. Never Ever Ever Quit!
  • rjwriter78
    rjwriter78 Posts: 205 Member
    The best response to this post ive read. Your absolutely right!
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Who is right in your oppinion rjwriter78? As would like to hear your oppinion (well read) haha
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    The problem with clearing out the larder is that there are shops and you have to buy petrol and it is so tempting when they have a supermarket around the check-out.

    My will power always has been stronger than my won't power - I bought a pork pie on the way home from choir practice (which always gives me the munchies - and the petrol station was selling unleaded fuel at only 130.9 pence per litre which suckered me in) - I did buy a bunch of flowers for my wife as well and a box of grapes so it wasn't all bad and I did confess to my MFP diary (which didn't ban me).

    So, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.

    - and as for the "counselling" - sheesh stuff it! save your money (for celery). What your body is doing is panicking over that 8 lbs you lost that it spent so long hoarding away and is trying to get you to put it back "Before the famine".

    It is normal in the Winter to store fat, what we are trying to do is just unnatural - against nature - but WE are going to win, aren't we.

    You are not being a freak nor a loser - you are being "normal" - what makes you stand out from the snack munching crowd who ruin every trip to the cinema is that you realise it wasn't a good thing to do and, even more unusual, are doing something about it.

    The other thing you can do if you find yourself going over is to go for a brisk walk - or just do a bit of running on the spot if it is too cold, wet or snowy.

    What you DON'T do is heap coals on your head, wear sackcloth nor tell yourself you are a hopeless failure:

    1. coal is expensive and messy
    2. sackcloth is scratchy and hard to come by in these days of plastic bags.
    3. you aren't - those who are have never heard of MFP.

    As I said before, Guilt is The Devil's best weapon.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Sometimes you have to go through the kitchen and trash all junk food.
    Good luck!

    ^ this.

    if you are unable to control yourself, then get the "junk" out of the house for now. at some later date when you're better able to deal with your cravings, you can let some of it back in the house.

    next, figure out why you're binging. is it because you are denying yourself the foods you want, thus leading to cravings and obsessing about food? if so, this is why you're having trouble.

    don't "diet". don't define some foods as bad or unhealthy and completely omit them from your diet. this is what fad diets do and this is why fad diets ultimately fail.

    you can eat all things in moderation. if you can fit it into your calorie goals and macros, then you can eat it.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Some days, I just have to recognize that I really, really, really want to eat something. Instead of always depriving myself, I make a deal to walk around the block or something like that. It kind of sucks right now because of the single-digit temperatures where I live now, and because sometimes I'm not willing to walk around the block long enough to burn off the 550 calories in the Big Mac that I want to eat...but I feel like even once around the block is a step in the right direction on the days I really want to indulge.

    Thinking positively..."one step forward-two steps back" is better than just "two steps back". I may have had a tough day and lost a little ground...but the little extra effort I make to burn even a few of those extra calories mitigates the ground lost :)

    Good luck, friend. And don't be too hard on your self :)
  • viktorijandz
    viktorijandz Posts: 71 Member
    It might be that you body lacks in some kind of nutrient. When I feel craving or binge coming on, I take a glass of milk with a scoop of protein powder. I mix it with mixer to add extra oxygen into the mixture. It then pumps my stomach and I feel too full to have something else. :}