
This is my first time on a weight-loss website, so I don't know how it's going to work out quite yet.

Being a poor university student its nice to have a site like this where its free and not time-consuming. The nice thing is the gym here is included in tuition so I get to use it for free. The problem with being a university student and trying to loose weight comes 3 fold: (1) there's not a lot of time for exercise when you have classes and not to mention a job to keep up with (at DQ no less), studying is a full time job all by itself (2) the high-stress environment creates the 'perfect' excuse to have a sweet... or 5 and (3) the meal plan built in to the residence is all you can eat, so if you only eat a little it feels like wasting money, not to mention there's no nutritional information to go off of, you only have your own instinct, which isn't a good thing is most cases.

I guess the reason I'm here is that, I love the top part of my body, I have a noticeable waste and a nice pair of ladies, if you know what I mean ;) but the bottom part is another story. I've never felt comfortable wearing shorts, capri pants, skirts or any other kind of bottom that shows any hint of my legs. I've always have chubby calves (I blame swimming from when I was a child) and even chubbier thighs. Also seeing my BMI didn't help anything.

My long term goals are: be comfortable in shorter leg wear and get my BMI to normal (or close considering those things don't factor is muscle vs. fat weight) in order to be healthier.

ps, sorry guys I know I went on a bit of a rant there, but I needed to vent a bit



  • kdabis
    kdabis Posts: 34 Member

    I totally understand the "not having time" ...im a full time student in a Medical Institute, having night classes twice a week and a full day saturday, plus working full time mon-fri. by the time i get home i really dont wanna do anything. But i try to do my best, i really dont wanna make excuses.

    GOOD LUCK THOUGH! I think its ok to take a day off or two, but dont quit! :)
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320

    We all have bad days when we just say "£(*£(*(£$*(£" and wonder why bother with it all and turn to food for comfort. there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to believe that you can reach your goal and have the determination to achieve it. Coming to this site is a great way of "meeting" others who are going through the same things as you and can at least be there to give some encouragement when times are hard.

    Make sure you get yourself a good group of friends here and use them as support to help you acheive your goal.

    Good luck.