Fit Bit - Keep or Return? Missing something?

Hey There - So i've been rocking the FitBit for a week...but not a huge fan (but want to be!). First, it seems like i need to track all major exercises in MFC vs. using FitBit directly. Second, personally, I do not seeing 'walking' (which seems to be it's major tracking function) as an exercise i want to do to lose weight. I've found it interesting to see how many steps i go a day or how I sleep...but it's either i go to the gym or not when it comes to breaking a sweat (and tracking that with MFC). Am I missing something here? LMK if it's worked for you...otherwise, i'm not seeing the $100 investment as a good one, personally. Thanks!


  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I use it to track my cardio and manually enter weight training. Mine seems to do the trick and is working okay.
  • haephestia
    haephestia Posts: 11 Member
    I use mine to track my day-to-day, run of the mill walking: to and from class, around the college, around my apartment, etc. Anything at the gym I track with my HRM and manually enter later.