Critique My Workout Plan

Ok, so - I work outdoors and I want to lose weight and yet maintain strength which is crucial to my job. My job involves long periods of what you might call cardio - so I want to avoid doing anymore sustained, gentle cardio, because I do that all day. I dont do a massive ammount of leg stuff, because I spend all day on my feet. When it comes to working my muscles, I like to try and keep them guessing, so I will change lifts fairly regularly. Any pointers the good people of MFP have would be useful though, so here it is:

Warm up:
4 mins on the rower
30 secs print, 30 secs rest x 5 (rower)
20 secs sprint, 10 secs rest x 10 (static bike)

Barbel squats: 4 sets of 6-8 reps (not to failure yet as I have just started these - am only squatting 90lbs until I get used to them and the form is perfect) 1 min rest between sets
Chin-ups (assisted - chin up machine) 10 x 10 - "volume training" I will not complete all 10 reps of the final few sets, at first, and when I do complete them all, will take some weight away from the assisted machine. 1 min rest between sets
Cable machine pull-downs (close grip - rope handles) 4 x 8 reps (to failure, essentially - will not be able to complete the final reps on the last set and when I can, I go up a weight) 1 in rest between sets
superset: seated dumbell curls 8 reps, dumb-bell tricep extension 8 reps ( x 4, 1 min between sets)
Superset: zottman curls 8 reps, tricep overhead curl (dumb-bell) 8 reps (x4 , 1 min between sets)

Warm down:
Concentration curls (light weight), at least 15 reps x 3
Bench dips at least 15 reps x 3

Monday and Wednesday:

"prison work-out" (in my living room)
circuit of:
pressup x 15 (using handles)
sit-up x 20
chair-dip x 15
leg raises x 10
squat-jump x 10

Whole circuit completes three times

Tuesday: Circuits class
1 hour - starts off 40 secs effort, 20 rest and moves on to 20 secs effort, 15 rest 2nd time round - is fairly hardcore and contains too much to list here - including ketlebells, bag squats, clean and press etc, bent over rows (20kg), press ups, weighted lunges, burpees, crunches, leg raises....and so on.

Warm up:
4 mins on the rower
30 secs print, 30 secs rest x 5 (rower)
20 secs sprint, 10 secs rest x 10 (static bike)

Bench press (barbell) 4 x 6-8 reps (to failure) - 1 min rest between sets
Superset: Chin-ups (palms in, narrow grip) 6-8 reps (unassisted), dips 6-8 reps (assisted, but on the last tiny weight ha ha) x 4. 1 min rest between supersets
Pec curl machine 4 x 6-8 reps to failure (last rep, holding tension on pecs as long as I can), 1 min rest between sets
Dumbell lateral raises 4x 6-8 reps to failure. 1 min rest between sets
seated row machine 4 x 8-10 reps (aim to prevent back injury at work, hopefully), 1 min between sets
Hammer curls 4x 4-6 reps to failure
(I admit - I threw in the hammer curls about a month ago because I seemed to still have some energy left and my shoulders were knackered after the excercise but my arms werent)

Looking at it after I have typed it - it seems not that focussed, but it does seem to be hitting all my muscles (with only two leg days - one of those is circuits - after the weighted lunges, box jumps and sprints, my legs ache all the next day) and seems to be making me feel much fitter at work, but any input you guys might have would be appreciated.




  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    sounds complicated
  • nathanhunter1993
    To be honest That is a lot of stuff my friend. If its what you want go for it! But you could do 5X5 Bench,Squat,Barbell row and add in some curls for biceps and skull crushers for triceps and be done with it. All Ive got is a barbell and weights and I just do that and ive gained 8 pounds! Some of it fat but you can gain muscle without fat. Just remember to add weight or reps or slow bar speed to make it hard and eat more energy because your active all day! And you will get big. Its just.... a lot of stuff... I mean I had a hard time reading all of it when all you have to do is big compound movements. I would get lost doing that kind of set up. But good luck ! Also where i get my info from youtube ( Liftingforlife,Icecreamfitness) Check them out for the best in latest science!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    To be honest That is a lot of stuff my friend. If its what you want go for it! But you could do 5X5 Bench,Squat,Barbell row and add in some curls for biceps and skull crushers for triceps and be done with it. All Ive got is a barbell and weights and I just do that and ive gained 8 pounds! Some of it fat but you can gain muscle without fat. Just remember to add weight or reps or slow bar speed to make it hard and eat more energy because your active all day! And you will get big. Its just.... a lot of stuff... I mean I had a hard time reading all of it when all you have to do is big compound movements. I would get lost doing that kind of set up. But good luck ! Also where i get my info from youtube ( Liftingforlife,Icecreamfitness) Check them out for the best in latest science!

    Thanks -

    I can't do any barbell stuff that isnt in the squat rack my gym has, unless I went out and bought one.

    I know it s alot of stuff, but I like to be tired after the gym, after the warm up I have sweat running down my nose

    but you are right, I could make it simpler.