
Hey all. I felt the need to reintroduce myself since I've been gone for several months. (School took over my life... :< )

I am Raimi1990, but just call me Raimi~ I am a college senior set to graduate this semester. I hope I don't get as stressed as last semester and mess up again...

I'll try my best to stay here now, so I hope we can all get along~ :smile:


  • shelleydavies1991
    shelleydavies1991 Posts: 60 Member

    Kinda sounds like me.. Been away from this for a while and looking for new friends to help me get into shape!!

    Hopefully we can check in with each other and offer support!

    Hope school is going good.

    Shells x
  • Raimi1990
    Thanks, I need all the help I can get... I think I've gained a butt ton of weight over my stressful last semester... :sad: