This is my year:
I have had a few health scares in 2012 & this is my year to take my life back.
Become the healthy , energetic, excited, fun me that I can be.

I am looking to meet great positive people who love to share recipes, weight loss successes & trials.
Would love to get great ideas on fun exercises & meal planning.
I enjoy hearing people talk about what works for them.

Lets make this our year...


  • Hi Lory,
    What a coincidence! This is my year too:)
    I'm trying to get in shape and be healthy. I have a decent amount of weight to lose. I'm getting more into working out. I love kickboxing and go twice a week. I just started yoga and definitely am still at a beginner level. Plus I go to zumba every now and again. I'm trying to make it more of a habit, it's just I'm not all that coordinated.
    I won't be much help in the recipe department, I'm not a very inventive cook. I make almost the same things every week.
    I can support you an be positive though!
    Welcome to MFP.
    Feel free to send me a request