WAY under my calories!!



  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
  • Mary2302
    Mary2302 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow.. I never thought of doing that.. Sometimes,, even if I'm under my target.. I am over the fats, sugars and proteins specially.. Im definitely going to try it that way..
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    30g of almonds, 20g of raisins, 20g of dried cranberries = 300 calories and a fantastic sweet snack.

    Yum! I guess I should have read this before I ate my extra calories in red wine and all dressed potato chips.
  • Mary2302
    Mary2302 Posts: 27 Member
    Try using the logs as a planner rather than as a diary of what you ate & exercised. Write down what you plan to eat and what you plan to exercise and see how it measures up. I write in breakfast first, then my planned exercise for the day, then my dinner and then use lunch and snack to round it out, so that I am hitting my goals for calories burned, net calories, fat, protein and fiber. Then I print it out and use it as a guide to my eating & exercising for the day. I may need correct it at the end of the day, if things didn't precisely according to plan; that's okay, it usually isn't too far off. For example, if I didn't get in that last set of exercises, that would put me over my calorie limit, so I might cut out dessert for the evening and still be on target.

    It's also helpful to look at your overall food plan and see if you are getting lean protein at every meal, at least 3 veggies, 2 fruits and 2 dairy servings a day. I find if I do that, everything else pretty much falls into place.

    I've never tought of doing it like this.. Somedays even if I'm under my daily target.. I'm over the target on fats, sugars and proteins, specially..

    I'm definitely going to try it this way.. Planning your meals for your the next day.. I bet I'll keep me from snacking the wrong foods..
    Thanks a lot for sharing this
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    For those of you asking about how to figure out your proper TDEE, here is the info: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    To OP: It's good that you want to eat more! It's not hard to eat more calories without feeling like your forcing yourself to eat. Just grab a spoonful of peanut butter, or an avocado, or some chocolate milk! Don't be afraid of high calorie foods if you're having issues with getting enough in to fuel your body!
  • Fhoover
    Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
  • Honestly, I went through the same thing today..after I did my workout I had 300 some calories left to my day!! I heard that if you don't take in enough calories your body goes into "starvation mode" and it's harder to lose weight. I just ate a snack ( some chips and salsa) and I rewarded myself with an alcholic beverage for doing so well the past couple days haha. Probably not the best choice..but my daughter just turned 6 months and I'm in a great mood, so I figured I'de treat myself = ]
  • If you're not hungry, eat them tomorrow. I do this all the time. On my cardio days I can burn over 600 calories, and rather than pig out on those days to make it up to my goal, I just count some calories from the next day into that burn. Your body doesn't reset at midnight.

    I even created an extra "carryover" meal category just for this purpose. It's very convenient.
  • I'm willing to bet you're further under your goal than you realize. You did the BMR/TDEE calculations in another thread earlier and it came up between 1900-2200 calories right?

    That's right... which makes it even worse.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Eat an avocado. Like 250 calories and some good fat.

    Brown rice cake with almond butter. Easily 200 cals.

    I will never understand this problem. I eat pretty well and have to workout daily so that I can eat full, well rounded meals without going over. Such is life.
  • Well, just had a big stalk of celery with peanut butter. A couple hundred calories, so I feel a little better now. Thanks everyone. :)
  • Hi! I'm also having that problem. I get that starvation mode message almost every night. I think it might be because I am trying to do that special k thing, where you eat special k twice a day then a meal. try getting the atkins snack bars maybe, or special k snack bars and protein shakes, that's what I'm going to do when I go shopping again. Do you or anyone have any suggestions to someone that cannot eat vegetables? I can eat corn, but that's about it. I just hate the taste of them, not to mention the smell, so is there any suggestions? maybe something I can substitute for veggies? thanks all! and good luck!
  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    Hi! I'm also having that problem. I get that starvation mode message almost every night. I think it might be because I am trying to do that special k thing, where you eat special k twice a day then a meal. try getting the atkins snack bars maybe, or special k snack bars and protein shakes, that's what I'm going to do when I go shopping again. Do you or anyone have any suggestions to someone that cannot eat vegetables? I can eat corn, but that's about it. I just hate the taste of them, not to mention the smell, so is there any suggestions? maybe something I can substitute for veggies? thanks all! and good luck!
    do you like fruit? If so try v-8 v-fusions. Taste like fruit juice, not veggies at all!
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    One day isn't going to hurt. The great thing is that you asked the question. What do you do? I'm not trying to be mean, but the answer is pretty simple. You either eat more, or you eat higher calorie foods. You don't need to eat junk to do this. You can add full fat dairy, nuts, peanut butter, avocado. There are lots of possibilities. Sometimes in the beginning people restrict a little too much. Don't beat yourself up over it just for one day. Make small changes. Even an extra apple or some yogurt would have helped. Best of luck.

    This. Maybe have a smoothie or something with your breakfast to add in some protein from milk and some fresh fruit.

    I wouldn't worry about it if it happens every once and awhile, I tend to be under my calories significantly a few days a week, it looks like, but it evens out when I eat something else another day and am a bit over.
  • Fhoover
    Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! I'm also having that problem. I get that starvation mode message almost every night. I think it might be because I am trying to do that special k thing, where you eat special k twice a day then a meal. try getting the atkins snack bars maybe, or special k snack bars and protein shakes, that's what I'm going to do when I go shopping again. Do you or anyone have any suggestions to someone that cannot eat vegetables? I can eat corn, but that's about it. I just hate the taste of them, not to mention the smell, so is there any suggestions? maybe something I can substitute for veggies? thanks all! and good luck!
    do you like fruit? If so try v-8 v-fusions. Taste like fruit juice, not veggies at all!

    V-8 Fusion is the best!! I love their new energy drinks.. MMM
  • I've kept food logs for ages it seems and always felt frustrated afterward by looking at them and seeing how I "blew it again." Then when it <finally> occurred to me to use them as food planners, all of the sudden it seemed so much easier! I could head off problems before I ate them! Yay! Good luck & happy eating!