fast food addicts? this might help.

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
take a look at this little blurb on mcdonald's food. mcdonald's was my fast food of choice because the calorie intake was better than most, but after watching this, i might have to cut out fast food period! enjoy.


  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    want to watch when I get home x
  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    I watched it and what scared me the most was that once it is in your body, it doesn't break down because it is not real food. very interesting, I won't be going to Mcdonalds any time soon.
  • thedman
    thedman Posts: 18
  • Haha fast food... honestly, even after seeing shows like Food Inc and Super Size Me.... I still craved a quarter pounder with cheese. I love them. And the fries. Mmmm the fries.
  • Thanks for that! I think that will keep me away from there from now on!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Yep, I have seen that before. VERY good video. Drives home the points of eating clean and un-processed foods!
  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    Have you seen "Super Size Me" the movie? Haven't eaten McDonalds since I saw it! It was WORTH IT!
  • sotria
    sotria Posts: 3
    Holy cow!! I cant believe that! So disturbing! That sucks though I really loved me some chicken! Thats ok I havent had fast food in so long that it just reenforces my belief in NO fast food!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I don't think I will ever eat at McDonald's again :(
  • taz1978
    taz1978 Posts: 21
    :noway: Unbelievealbe... alot of our health problems stem from these and foods like them - processed processed processed - our bodies were not made to break down this crap.. I'm not a big fan of Macey D's but when i do have one i crave it constantly, it like they add an addictive drug or sumit. Thanks for the Vid!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    i've seen that video before - very scary!!! And no, I don't eat fast food.
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