Who else is trying to lose baby fat?!

Hi Ladies!
Who else out there gained a lot of weight during pregnancy
Im 22 years old.I had my son just over a year ago January 4th 2012
My pre pregnancy weight was 145lbs I gained a ton of weight. On the day of having my son via c-section I weighed 190lbs :( well after he was out and my stomach went down and I only lost a few pounds. I started my diet 2 weeks ago and weighed at 186lbs.
I'm on day 23 of no soda I use to drink 3-4 cans a day,I'm watching what I eat and my Calorie intake and I've been doing Aerobics every morning along with a few sits up and other wee exercises and if you count running around after a 1 year old exercise ;)
So I've lost 6.4lbs in these 2 weeks. Pretty proud of myself actually
Who else is trying to lose their baby fat? how much did you gain and what are you doing to get back to your pre-preg weight?
I like to motivate and of course I love when others motivate me too. It makes me stronger
add me if you like I'd love to make some new friends :)


  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    My "baby " is 42 and I have been trying to lose baby fat that long. Hoo ray for you. Keep up the good work
  • lmcrt
    lmcrt Posts: 5 Member
    I have a 2 and 3 year old am have just started to try and lose the weight. pre-pregnancy I weighed 140 and after both kids I was up to 164. I did lose weight naturally after my babies were born which was great but just not enough. Olive on fast food, ordering out, or eating out for convenience and I stopped working out. I felt tired all the time and lived on starbucks coffee to get me through the day. I started dieting a week ago and I feel great. I have eaten at home every day, less processed foods, more organic, veggies very dinner, lean meats, low carbs and lots of water. And I switched to a skinny mocha latte at starbucks. I also started working out again. Running, fitness classes, and strength training. I put the kids in the childcare while I work out. Don't know if I lost weight becuase i'm not weighing myself at this point. I so badly want to be the fit mom at the pool this summer, and on our florida vacation in May or our Disney cruise next March. Its a challenge for me since i have been use to eating probably over 3000 calories a day, now down to 1200cal diet. But its been pretty easy this week, so the will power is with me. Whats even better is my kids are eating healthier now too.. they are very skinny already but its still nice to see them eat what I prepare instead of happy meals all the time. It took 4 days of no dinner for my 2yr old before he finally ate broccoli and fish and now he is getting better and better. My 3 yr old has been a champ too. Hoping we could stay healthy and look good for the summer.