The 210 down to 200 range! Lets hit 199 together!!



  • jewlrae
    jewlrae Posts: 6 Member
    Definitely want more friends/support on mfp!!! This is my third time around with it and I know I can do it this time!!! I am hoping to see the 190's by the end of February as well!!! It would be such a great birthday present to me!!!! I am currently at 211, gained 60 pounds in one year due to high levels of stress!!! I am an emotional eater unfortunately, but have gained skills against doing that!!! Anybody want support that can reciprocate as well add me as a friend and lets do this thing together!!! :-)
  • davidpweis
    davidpweis Posts: 3 Member
    211, down from 225; heading to 200 as well!
  • As of my last weigh in I was at 200.4. I am SO close to seeing a number on the scale that starts with a 1. I haven't seen the 100's in about 5 years. It will be a huge milestone for me. As awesome as 199 will be, I would rather be at 189 because then I'm far enough away that I'll never see the 200's EVER again!
  • peggy822
    peggy822 Posts: 23 Member
    203 today!! Almost to one-der-land!!
  • 208 at the gym this morning.. Cannot wait to get to 199!! Can't remember the last time I was in the 100's :)
  • Abi_bug04
    Abi_bug04 Posts: 220
    I'm 211.6 right now (started at 218). Hoping to get to 199 by March!

    Anyone feel free to add me!
    (I love surrounding myself with friends who have similar goals!)

    Good luck to everyone! :)
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Can't wait to be in "onederland"! I'm currently 209 and can't wait to get there either! End of Feb sounds like a really good goal.
  • I am in the 208's - same boat as you! Ready to see the 100's again :-D
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I'm really glad to see so many other people striving to be at the same place I want to be. I'm around 204 right now and CAN"T WAIT to be under 200! It's been so long, since I've even been close ! Add me if you'd like. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    I am game, that is what my ticker is set for right now. Yesterday's weight pit me at 205.6. Feel free to add me!
  • Finally did it! I weighed in this morning at 199.4. That last half a pound was killer! This is the lightest I've been in about 5 years...and I'm down from my highest weight of 230 after a good 2 years of yo-yo dieting. I love that I've found such an aweosme community that advocates healthy weight loss methods. You can do it fitness pals!
  • MarleneBorko
    MarleneBorko Posts: 10 Member
    Hello there. At 208.5 as of this morning but the scale hasn't moved much since June (coincidently when I started going to a gym regularly doing some cardio and strength training). Now that the holidays are over, I'm fully back on track and determined. Would love to be below 200 by spring. January 29th is my one year anniversary of tracking on myfitness pal and working toward changing my lifestyle. Quit smoking for good as well - 1 year ago.
  • cchartrand1978
    cchartrand1978 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I'm currently 208.8 just hanging in the "200s" I've been trying so hard to get into the 100 club but just cant get rid of the 9lbs to loose. I'm currently staying under my calorie count faithfully, and have recently started the 8 hour diet. It's not really a diet just more of a eating schedule to prevent myself from snacking in the evening. Works pretty well for me. I'm going to give it another month or so just to see if I see any results. But I'm determined to get this body in the 100s......... I really love the community on this site Goodjob and talk to you soon.
  • Hi I'm new to this site not sure what to expect. I have been gaining and losing the same weight for years. I'm 5'2" at 200.2 and can't wait to break the curse of the 200's ...
  • liannesaut
    liannesaut Posts: 34 Member
    Would love new friends! Started at 220 on January 1st, was down to 206.5 on Friday but did a ton of outdoor work on the weekend = sore muscles = 209 today :(. Desperate to see 195 by February 14! I'm 26 and 5'6".
  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    I would love to have more friends in my weight/height range!!! Right now I'm around 202 and hoping to get into ONEderland this week! Please feel free to add me, but only if you're truely looking to support each other. I love to support and give encouragement, but I ask the same in return. Anyone can add me and I'm looking forward to hitting some goals together! :)
  • sarahevenstar
    sarahevenstar Posts: 70 Member
    Stepped on the scale this morning and it said 199-something for a second and then popped up to 202. So close!
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I'm stuck between 201.6 and 202.4, and ready to reach the 100s!!!!
  • carobert
    carobert Posts: 34 Member
    This is just the group for me! Last year I got down to 195! wahoo. Then between holidays and a cruise in december..... I am now back up to 211.8 =( Been struggling to find the motivation to get my butt back in gear! Lets do this!!!! I am 24 and 5'6". I turn 25 on Feb 23rd and would love to be at 199 (hefty goal I know). If anyone wants to add me, go for it!
  • jessi -- you are so close! When do you weigh again?