Rasberry Ketones...just hype?



  • labyrinth84
    Its the first time I have ever heard of this Dr.... so I wasn't sure whether he is a trust-worthy source or a professional helping push supplement sales for a wage...

    The only diet pill I have ever seen work for people are T5's, but they sound to have horrific effects on the body and make you high apparently.
    Hunny, a word of advice....9 out of 10 things that "Doctor" says about weightloss are wrong. Don't listen to him. He's a surgeon masquerading as a nutritionist.

    Eat well. Maintain a calorie deficit. Exercise. That's all you need.

    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.
  • stacifahlsing
    stacifahlsing Posts: 38 Member
    I took them last year for about 6 months and had great success....I fell off the diet and exercise wagon due to my daughter dropping out of college and some other stress. I just got back on the wagon and started it up again. I have lost 8 lbs since new years and have so much energy and clear mind. I found that after 2-3 days they helped me look at food and choose kale to cheese or to choose broccoli in my egg whites, etc. I am a teacher and went back to school and found my Christmas presents in my drawer (LOTS of chocolate) and had the will power to throw them away! I know my diet wouldn't provide me with such will power. I DO believe that they help curb your appetite and that they DO help me focus to make wise choices when I do eat. Give them a try. I haven't experienced any side effect yet.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    HYPE!!! Looked at a bottle of those a couple days ago in Sams Club... if all these fads and things really worked NO ONE would be overweight anymore... but we are so hmmmm.... It did make me crave raspberries and I bought a big container of them for $4! YUM! Instead of a bottle of weirdo stuff for $18.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.

    Wow. That honesty is shocking. I've never heard someone come out and say that.

    I think you're going to be a big success story if you have that kind of self-analytical ability.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    A girl on my Facebook has said she has lost 6lbs in 1 week without changing eating habits. Maybe they only work for a few people and I suppose the only real way of testing them is taking them when not calorie counting etc, or the nature of the weight loss could be confused...

    I'll stick with my diet choice for now, and maybe try them in the future if things slow down
    Did she lose 6 lbs of fat? Or did she have the usual drop in water weight that happens for most people when they start any kind of diet? Either way, 6 lbs of fat in one week is not a healthy rate of loss. Although it sounds like you feel pretty big right now (from your profile), you don't have a massive amount of weight to lose, so realistically, it is going to be quite a slow process.

    Think about this, considering the scale of the obesity problem, if there was any real value in raspberry ketones, don't you think that doctors would be prescribing them? It's just hype. There is no scientific evidence that they work in humans. What we know works is having a moderate calorie deficit, eating nutritious foods, exercising, that kind of thing.

    Regarding your Atkins diet - fats are not evil, they don't make you fat (unless they make you exceed your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). It would probably be helpful to try to let go of the guilt you feel about eating them. Having said that, if what you have to eat on Atkins isn't they way you want to eat, then why be so restrictive? If you want to cut down on carbs, you can do so without overloading on fats. Find what works for you.
  • labyrinth84
    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.

    Wow. That honesty is shocking. I've never heard someone come out and say that.

    I think you're going to be a big success story if you have that kind of self-analytical ability.

    Ha yes, I hope so!
    I put the weight on. Not hormones, age, under active thyroid or any of the other excuses I could kid myself with. Eating the same portion sizes as my 15stone boyfriend, takeaways and share-size bars of Galaxy put the lard on. I will lose it, if I do it properly. If I don't, I haven't done it right.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.

    Wow. That honesty is shocking. I've never heard someone come out and say that.

    I think you're going to be a big success story if you have that kind of self-analytical ability.

    Ha yes, I hope so!
    I put the weight on. Not hormones, age, under active thyroid or any of the other excuses I could kid myself with. Eating the same portion sizes as my 15stone boyfriend, takeaways and share-size bars of Galaxy put the lard on. I will lose it, if I do it properly. If I don't, I haven't done it right.
    Hun, with that sort of attitude, you're going to do just fine.

    The weight didn't creep on overnight, and unfortunately, it won't go away overnight either.


    This link will answer a LOT of questions for you, and will help guide you in the right direction.

    Good luck, but I don't think you need it. You sound like you're going to do just fine.
  • labyrinth84
    A girl on my Facebook has said she has lost 6lbs in 1 week without changing eating habits. Maybe they only work for a few people and I suppose the only real way of testing them is taking them when not calorie counting etc, or the nature of the weight loss could be confused...

    I'll stick with my diet choice for now, and maybe try them in the future if things slow down
    Did she lose 6 lbs of fat? Or did she have the usual drop in water weight that happens for most people when they start any kind of diet? Either way, 6 lbs of fat in one week is not a healthy rate of loss. Although it sounds like you feel pretty big right now (from your profile), you don't have a massive amount of weight to lose, so realistically, it is going to be quite a slow process.

    Think about this, considering the scale of the obesity problem, if there was any real value in raspberry ketones, don't you think that doctors would be prescribing them? It's just hype. There is no scientific evidence that they work in humans. What we know works is having a moderate calorie deficit, eating nutritious foods, exercising, that kind of thing.

    Regarding your Atkins diet - fats are not evil, they don't make you fat (unless they make you exceed your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). It would probably be helpful to try to let go of the guilt you feel about eating them. Having said that, if what you have to eat on Atkins isn't they way you want to eat, then why be so restrictive? If you want to cut down on carbs, you can do so without overloading on fats. Find what works for you.

    Must be water loss...if she hadn't changed her eating habits then 6lbs seems impossible to me.

    I think I have always believed it is fat that puts the weight on so the guilt of adding butter to everything or not trimming fat off meat has been intense. The guilt has been my only issue really...I haven't craved bread, pasta or potatoes at all. And I am seeing weight loss (which I didn't see b y purely calorie counting - 1200cals, but filling up with the complex carbs) so I think if I could get my head round it and allow myself my beloved veg whilst staying within a good range of my 1200 calorie allowance, it should work for me.

    I suppose its all trial and error until we find something that suits us :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.

    Wow. That honesty is shocking. I've never heard someone come out and say that.

    I think you're going to be a big success story if you have that kind of self-analytical ability.

    Ha yes, I hope so!
    I put the weight on. Not hormones, age, under active thyroid or any of the other excuses I could kid myself with. Eating the same portion sizes as my 15stone boyfriend, takeaways and share-size bars of Galaxy put the lard on. I will lose it, if I do it properly. If I don't, I haven't done it right.
    Hun, with that sort of attitude, you're going to do just fine.

    The weight didn't creep on overnight, and unfortunately, it won't go away overnight either.


    This link will answer a LOT of questions for you, and will help guide you in the right direction.

    Good luck, but I don't think you need it. You sound like you're going to do just fine.

    What ^ said.

    It is refreshing to see someone new here taking responsibility for themselves like this.

    With a little knowledge, patience, and some consistency, you will be very successful.

    Good luck to you!
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    they are all hype....Dr. Oz says the best way to take them is anally.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Its the first time I have ever heard of this Dr.... so I wasn't sure whether he is a trust-worthy source or a professional helping push supplement sales for a wage...

    The only diet pill I have ever seen work for people are T5's, but they sound to have horrific effects on the body and make you high apparently.
    Hunny, a word of advice....9 out of 10 things that "Doctor" says about weightloss are wrong. Don't listen to him. He's a surgeon masquerading as a nutritionist.

    Eat well. Maintain a calorie deficit. Exercise. That's all you need.

    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.

    there is no magic bullet. NONE. if there were, nobody would be fat and somebody out there would be really, really rich.

    forget the bad advice you get from people telling you that any of these "get thin quick" products worked. what they are seeing is the placebo effect.

    there is only one way to lose weight... calories in < calories out. that's it. consume less calories than you burn. it's physics and it is the same for everybody.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Save your money, or at least don't waste it on useless stuff like this.

    Got a food scale yet? That would be a great purchase....
    A food scale has helped me more than any magic pill I tried in the past.
  • labyrinth84
    Advice taken :) I'm an impatient, dieter newbie. 1st time weight gain so I think I am definitely trying to rush the whole process.

    Wow. That honesty is shocking. I've never heard someone come out and say that.

    I think you're going to be a big success story if you have that kind of self-analytical ability.

    Ha yes, I hope so!
    I put the weight on. Not hormones, age, under active thyroid or any of the other excuses I could kid myself with. Eating the same portion sizes as my 15stone boyfriend, takeaways and share-size bars of Galaxy put the lard on. I will lose it, if I do it properly. If I don't, I haven't done it right.
    Hun, with that sort of attitude, you're going to do just fine.

    The weight didn't creep on overnight, and unfortunately, it won't go away overnight either.


    This link will answer a LOT of questions for you, and will help guide you in the right direction.

    Good luck, but I don't think you need it. You sound like you're going to do just fine.

    I will check that out!

    Thank you :)
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I tried um for 2 months... shrug noticed no difference in those months and any others where I was watching calories and exercising. I have known some who see a difference but soon as they stop taking them the lbs come back. It could work for you but then you will be taking them forever to keep the same weight off.

    Sadly there is no real shortcut for weightloss but the sense of acomplishment once you have made a difference in your own body is worth it!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Think of it this way: if even one of the 20 previous things he said would work, actually worked, he wouldn't have needed to mention this one in the first place. :)
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    It's the new Acai berry scam.
  • bonkers1224
    bonkers1224 Posts: 80 Member
    Hype.....calories in calories out! (my husband tells me that all the time) I love this plan:) My sister did the HCG drops yes she lost...cause she was eating only 500 calories a day! In the end it came back.
  • KBSwinger
    KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
    I used them and still do from time to time they do take the edge off my carb cravings when I'm not intermittent fasting.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    You mention not eating a lot of fats in Induction. You should reconsider. Not eating enough fat will make you hungry, also possibly fatigued.

    With other stressors it could even make you dead. Look up rabbit starvation.

    The low carb diet would be more accurately described as the high fat diet, but no one would have gone on it under that name. You need enough fat to make Atkins work.
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I bought a bag of the chews at GNC last week since it was B1/G1 and I got my yummy calcium chews....I digress, anyways, I don't feel any difference yet but I will probably know better at least after a week. No side affects or anything like that either. I figured I'd try them since they were free...:laugh: