Ladies and do you get by?



  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    You know what feels really good? Get into a very hot shower. But lay down like you're taking a bath. Aim the shower spray right at your abdomen. It's like a mini-massage + moist heat all in one. It's very soothing.

    Sounds good to me.
  • shadowess3
    shadowess3 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a fan of heating pads/hot water bottles or even a towel that's been run under hot water and wrung out (sometimes you can even toss it in the microwave to reheat it)

    There are a number of PMS teas out there that can help. As well chamomile tea is helpful to help relax muscles and it helps calm you.

    Diet can really change your symptoms. Avoid salty foods (as much as you crave it during your period, I know I do), and fatty foods. Also try decreasing your caffeine intake just before and during your period.

    Exercise can also help with cramps (I've personally not found that it helped too much, plus really when you feel like your uterus is trying to crawl out of your body the last thing you want to do is go work out)

    Sex or at least orgasm can also help. While a partner (and you) might not revel in the idea of it (you can put down a towel, or to make clean up a snap, try it in the shower). Or maybe think about having some alone time in the shower.

    Also as many of the other ladies here suggested it might be a good idea to check in with a Gyn to see if there is anything extra going on (like fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc) Take care of yourself!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    my gyn has told me to go with the ablation as mentioned above. I know a girl who did it and swears by it. I am still contemplating. They basically burn out your uterine wall and as long as you don' t plan on having kids it can leave you with no period symptoms at all for most women. I am just scared to do anything. I don' t take pills, etc. I don' t have heavy bleeding but, I get serious cramps/backache and feel so emotionally unbalanced. Of course, I am peri- meno also.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Sex or at least orgasm can also help. While a partner (and you) might not revel in the idea of it (you can put down a towel, or to make clean up a snap, try it in the shower). Or maybe think about having some alone time in the shower.

    Also as many of the other ladies here suggested it might be a good idea to check in with a Gyn to see if there is anything extra going on (like fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc) Take care of yourself!

    Sex..not the first time I've heard this, plus I think I read it somewhere. Thanks for the advice.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Evening Primrose. Drink lots of water otherwise you will crave carbs and retain water which makes you weigh 3-4 pounds more for a few days. Lots of exercise.
  • jdancer369
    Same here! It sucks so bad! Never used a regular tampon in my life! super heavy, lasted 2 weeks and the cramps, lasted 3 days in bed, fetal position and vomiting. Very hot showers help a little but I cant stand for very long, the pressure down there feels like I am giving birth, as well as having sever back pain and cramps :( so then I go back to the heating pad on my back and a heated rice bag on my low abdomen. The heat and the pressure from the little weight of the bag helps me.
    I would find a new Dr. I asked mine about it and she said no, definitely not normal! I am on Mirana IUD now, and LOVE it!!!!!!!!
    Most months, I do not have a period or cramps. About once every 5 months I might have a period that requires a tampon but it is for 1 or 2 days and minimal cramping discomfort. the IUD does not need to be changed for 5 years, sooooo ideal for me and should you want children, there is no waiting period after it is removed to conceive. Go find another Dr!
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I have had absolutely ASTONISHING results by seeing a Maya Abdominal Therapist. I have NO PAIN with my periods. Last time I didn't even know I had started because I felt NOTHING. My periods are more regulated (not too long, not too heavy), and it has been WONDERFUL!!!

    I highly recommend finding a MAT in your area and making an appointment right away!