Getting Frustrated!

Up until recently, I was on a different weight loss site. Over a couple months, I managed to lose 16.5lbs without really putting in any effort (the gym or REALLY watching what I was eating). January 1st (yes my bf and I are one of those resolutionists), I"ve been going to the gym 5-6 times a week, doing cardio and weight training on alternating days. I've cut fast food completely, which I was eating literally every day, sometimes twice a day. I've cut coffee and pop as well. We've emptied our house of junk food and have replaced everything with healthier whole wheat products, as well as much more fresh produce, lean meats, and healthier choice foods.

At the gym, I don't do the same thing every day, I switch up machines and work out routines, to exercise different muscles and to be sure not to pull anything.

All this and I still feel like I'm not doing well!!!! I've lost 5lbs, gained it back, and then started teetering between 3-4lbs lost total since switching my life around!

What the heck is going on? Am I doing something "wrong"?


  • 1newcat
    1newcat Posts: 75 Member
    l posted something similar just the other day and talked to my Trainer about it: of course everybody's body and experience is different but a couple things she told me that I am sure others may dispute. Strength training affects bodies differently but I am sure you know muscle weighs more- the initial weight you took off is the easy stuff... but it is also the stuff that comes right back. she also told me (and this is different for everyone in terms of when) but as the muscles are forming/strengthening under the fat, you plateau a bit. You also feel bulkier because the muscle hasn't begun to really get to breaking down the fat. she said this period can be extremely frustrating because neither the Scale nor your body seem to reflect progress. The key is to keep going and tweak your eating to make sure you re maintaining the metabolism, the 5 or 6 small meals and water. anyway- I am sure you'll get lots of feedback and some may disagree with me- but I figured I would pass it on as it has helped me put things in perspective- l ago only weigh in twice a month to avoid the weekly rollercoaster. If my plateau doesn't break in a couple weeks, re- evaluate and make some changes. l have to remind myself daily that I got where I am physically after years of poor eating and decisions so reversing it 'isn't going to happen in 4-6 weeks. patience is not one of my virtues, but I am committed to the process. Have faith and keep doing the work!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    Up until recently, I was on a different weight loss site. Over a couple months, I managed to lose 16.5lbs without really putting in any effort (the gym or REALLY watching what I was eating). January 1st (yes my bf and I are one of those resolutionists), I"ve been going to the gym 5-6 times a week, doing cardio and weight training on alternating days. I've cut fast food completely, which I was eating literally every day, sometimes twice a day. I've cut coffee and pop as well. We've emptied our house of junk food and have replaced everything with healthier whole wheat products, as well as much more fresh produce, lean meats, and healthier choice foods.

    At the gym, I don't do the same thing every day, I switch up machines and work out routines, to exercise different muscles and to be sure not to pull anything.

    All this and I still feel like I'm not doing well!!!! I've lost 5lbs, gained it back, and then started teetering between 3-4lbs lost total since switching my life around!

    What the heck is going on? Am I doing something "wrong"?

    You aren't doing anything wrong at all. 4-5lbs is a victory! I am also a resolutionist -after losing 60lbs a couple years ago I decided it was finally time to go the rest of the way. The first 60 were from diet alone, but I'm not happy with how flabby I am. I've really been watching what I eat this time, and working more and more exercise into my routine.

    What you have done this month is shock your body. It was expecting 2013 to be as full of Big Macs as 2012, and it's trying to figure out what to do. As you workout new muscles, they swell with water, which aids in their repair. Remember water is ~8lbs/gal, so if all your muscles are full of water your scale will read heavier than you are. I officially weigh in once a week, though I do check frequently. The only number that matters is the one on Monday morning, and the only thing that matters there is that it isn't up from the week before.

    The scientific validity of this point can be debated, but your body may also be going through a slow detox causing you to be a little bloated and sluggish for now. If you've been stuffing your body with crap for years, it needs to adjust to your new clean diet by creating a new, clean, inside version of you. If you are getting hard-hitting cravings right now, this may be the toxins from the old lifestyle leaving your body. Give it a little more time and you will feel better than every. Just give your cells a chance to regulate themselves!

    Good luck, and feel free to add me if you need anything!
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Get some scales. Weigh everything. Do not eat anything on impulse. Prepare your meals. Do not buy any more foods that have more than 2-3 ingredients in them. Get some friends on this website that you allow access to your diary and allow them to comment on what you eat.

    Make sure you do 1 hour of cardio three times a week.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Stick with the program. First month I worked out 39 times and gained 1 pound. I kept going as the scale is only a number.
    50 weeks later I am at 50 pounds lost.
    Never give up - keep moving and keep the diet clean.
    And remember to smile everyday !