Routine for people who starts lifting weights(beginners)

Hello guys,

Let me introduce myself I am a Natural Bodybuilder stats: 250 lbs 6'2 1/2

This is Starting strength Modified by Babylover(populair powerlifter)
With this routine u get alot of strength and mass(depends on nutrition)
Add eache week 5 lbs.

Week 1: ABA
Week 2: BAB
Week 3: and so go on...

The two days:
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Chins 15-20 total reps, add weight or use assisted.
Optional: Cable rows, 3x8 bicep work, 3x8 rear delt flyes, do this at your own discretion. If you don't feel like it, don't worry

Front squat 3x5
Military Press 3x5
Deadlifts 1x5
Optional: 15-20 reps of dips, 3x8 tricep work

Training frequency:
I prefer people not to think about training on the exact say, I simply suggest a minimum of 3 sessions. If you are feeling good, are eating lots and recovering well, trying and train more. Sometimes people have bad days, feel tired, stay up pate to finish assignments, and some days you wake up ready to squat Jupiter.