3 Day Diet..?



  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Tip for the future. Any time you see one of these "Lose X lbs in Y days" things, just chuckle to yourself and walk away.


    One question, if I cackle and skip away, will I burn more calories?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Tip for the future. Any time you see one of these "Lose X lbs in Y days" things, just chuckle to yourself and walk away.


    One question, if I cackle and skip away, will I burn more calories?

    Depends. If this happens often (for instance, if you read the MFP forums regularly), then you might just want to account for all the cackling and skipping in your Activity Level. I'm on the forum all the time, so of course I use the Very Active modifier. :wink:
  • csi4us
    csi4us Posts: 74

    I did this crash diet years ago, yes you lose weight in 3 days but 1. You're staving the whole day. 2. The weight comes back on after stopping.and 3, it not good for you to be hungry all day. We need to listen to our body! It knows when we r hungry, it knows when we are full. And it knows when we are tired. It's better to do it the right way with the help of Mfp!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    You'll gain the weight back possibly plus some if you do a crash diet.

    Count your calories and exercise.

    You'll lose weight and have a better chance at maintaining it.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Not a good idea. Do not do this.

    Use MFP, track your food intake and hit your calorie goals and you will succeed. And you don't have restrict your food to some arbitrary list.

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    And what happens on day 4?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Having just read it, no. I honestly can't see how anyone could lose 10lbs (most of which is water) eating such processed crap (hot dogs??)
  • I suggest you do a juice fast/diet if you want to lose weight fast and keep your metabolism high and the content of your diet healthy.

    The most important part of any extreme diet is that you should always have the necessary vitamins & minerals, supplementing if you need to and NEVER starve yourself.

    I will repeat, NEVER starve yourself. Eat and apple, an orange, a pear, a bell pepper, a zucchini, to keep your body always fed so that it will speed up metabolism because it is always given when is needed. Always eat/drink when hungry.

    It is best you try a juice diet and you will find you lose weight extremely fast.

    When you return to eating you must do so modestly. The reason most people dislike these "crash" diets or "extreme" diets is because when people return to eating they relapse into eating how they used to eat before. A juice diet/fast will not only introduce your body to a new healthier phase but it will also open your eyes to all the disgusting things you have eaten before.

    If you do not wish to do something as extreme just add CLA to your diet, 3-4 grams a day in seperated dosages. CLA is a natural fatty acid which helps metabolize fat.

    Include a heavy dose of vitamin c (4 grams a day minimum, seperated dosage), testosterone boosting foods, minerals i.e magnesium, potassium, zinc and many other vitamins of your choosing.

    Remember to avoid soy as it is the worst regarding estrogen. All developed nations have women at a disadvantage with an excess of estrogen in an estrogen environment.

    Keep working hard.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    :sick: ......no.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I suggest you do a juice fast/diet if you want to lose weight fast and keep your metabolism high and the content of your diet healthy.

    The most important part of any extreme diet is that you should always have the necessary vitamins & minerals, supplementing if you need to and NEVER starve yourself.

    I will repeat, NEVER starve yourself. Eat and apple, an orange, a pear, a bell pepper, a zucchini, to keep your body always fed so that it will speed up metabolism because it is always given when is needed. Always eat/drink when hungry.

    It is best you try a juice diet and you will find you lose weight extremely fast.

    When you return to eating you must do so modestly. The reason most people dislike these "crash" diets or "extreme" diets is because when people return to eating they relapse into eating how they used to eat before. A juice diet/fast will not only introduce your body to a new healthier phase but it will also open your eyes to all the disgusting things you have eaten before.

    If you do not wish to do something as extreme just add CLA to your diet, 3-4 grams a day in seperated dosages. CLA is a natural fatty acid which helps metabolize fat.

    Include a heavy dose of vitamin c (4 grams a day minimum, seperated dosage), testosterone boosting foods, minerals i.e magnesium, potassium, zinc and many other vitamins of your choosing.

    Remember to avoid soy as it is the worst regarding estrogen. All developed nations have women at a disadvantage with an excess of estrogen in an estrogen environment.

    Keep working hard.

    Ignore this.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    If you would be using it to jump-start a sensible diet and exercise plan, no harm. It's only 3 days.
  • KellyKat64
    KellyKat64 Posts: 25 Member
    lol, it does seem to be hardest thing to just do it right. I have started and stopped to many times to count. But the truth is and always has been that it's just expending more calories then calories taken in. Good luck & Great Resolve
  • lol, it does seem to be hardest thing to just do it right. I have started and stopped to many times to count. But the truth is and always has been that it's just expending more calories then calories taken in. Good luck & Great Resolve

  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I suggest you do a juice fast/diet if you want to lose weight fast and keep your metabolism high and the content of your diet healthy.

    The most important part of any extreme diet is that you should always have the necessary vitamins & minerals, supplementing if you need to and NEVER starve yourself.

    I will repeat, NEVER starve yourself. Eat and apple, an orange, a pear, a bell pepper, a zucchini, to keep your body always fed so that it will speed up metabolism because it is always given when is needed. Always eat/drink when hungry.

    It is best you try a juice diet and you will find you lose weight extremely fast.

    When you return to eating you must do so modestly. The reason most people dislike these "crash" diets or "extreme" diets is because when people return to eating they relapse into eating how they used to eat before. A juice diet/fast will not only introduce your body to a new healthier phase but it will also open your eyes to all the disgusting things you have eaten before.

    If you do not wish to do something as extreme just add CLA to your diet, 3-4 grams a day in seperated dosages. CLA is a natural fatty acid which helps metabolize fat.

    Include a heavy dose of vitamin c (4 grams a day minimum, seperated dosage), testosterone boosting foods, minerals i.e magnesium, potassium, zinc and many other vitamins of your choosing.

    Remember to avoid soy as it is the worst regarding estrogen. All developed nations have women at a disadvantage with an excess of estrogen in an estrogen environment.

    Keep working hard.

    Ignore this.

    Sara, can you read my mind, now?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • Juice fasting is completely safe and exceptionally healthy. It has saved lives from obesity, aids, chrons disease, etc!

    here is a movie "Fat, sick and nearly dead"

    The transition from fasting to eating must be done properly and you do not need to stop exercising during the fast.
    Exercises boosts metabolism while fasting slows metabolism.

    The bias against juice fasting revolves around rumors of "crash diets" and the relative lack of knowledge of its benefits and its application as a useful and healthy diet.

    I'm sure I'll get flak for this on this website since most people are more focused on calories and computing the burn and the use etc etc.

    Here is a good link to a smart female Dr.

    She has many interesting articles, tips and tricks.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187

  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    Oh. Em. Gee. You win ALLLLL the internets, sir. :laugh: :love: