Hello from "Sunny" England :)

Hello everybody, I am Keeleigh, 25 and I'm terrible at forum posts, sorry!

After many years of using my medical conditions (underactive thyroid, PCOS,anaemia, IBD etc) and mental health (depression and social anxiety, nothing too crazy...Some people may argue against this however) as an excuse for my dreadful attempts of trying to lose weight and keep fit. I am finally serious this year, I don’t know what it is…I have noticed a mindshift/ephiphany/change? Whatever it is, I am fed up of being this big (I am proper big, not “Oh I weigh 8 stone, how fat am I!?” I am 20 stone +, yikes!) and unhealthy, although that goes without saying...

For the last 2/3 weeks I have been eating less than 1500calories and using the Wii fit, good ole Rosemary Conley and now wii zumba, which by the way is shockingly bad if you have never done a class! I'm really enjoying using the MFP app, before I would eat and go "Oh it will be nothing and it must be my thyroid levels etc" oh no, how wrong was I!? Thanks to MFP I have had such a rude awakening haha and now starting to think about what I put in my mouth.

If anyone would like to be a diet/fitness buddy, I would seriously appreciate this right now and hope to be good support for someone in return.

Sorry for the long post :)

Hope you are all having a great weekend.
