My weight loss goal annoying my roommate



  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    I see two things here:

    1. Has she always been considered 'the pretty one' (this is not an insult to you at all from me!) and is threatened that you may take that away from her if you get thinner?

    2. She misses hanging out with you and doing the things that you both considered fun 'before your lifestyle change' and she just doesn't know how to communicate that to you so she's being nasty and trying to bring her old friend back?

    Good luck to you.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    She's your room mate, not your spouse. She can get over herself, or be excluded from your day-to-day life. I had roommates that I didn't have to spend time with other than sharing the same roof - it wasn't a problem.
  • She is in a different place as you. You are trying to improve yourself. She is afraid the new you won't like the old her. Going out with friends doesn't have to involve either eating or drinking too much. After a while maybe she will see its just you but healthier and she could possibly jump on the bandwagon with you. Don't let anyone friend or boyfriend stop you.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    This is absolutely her problem, not yours. Do what you have to do, if she can't let go of these issues then maybe you can distance yourself a little... who knows you may find her asking you what your secret is at some point!

    Good for you sticking to your guns.
  • kpnive
    kpnive Posts: 64 Member
    this reminds me of when a girl would get a new boyfriend and the best friend feels pushed to the side and in this case your boyfriend is your new outlook on a better-healthier lifestyle. It will take some time for her to see the why in your habits, hopefully she can see it for what it is - it is not about her and maybe that is why she is acting like she is. I am not saying its right but anyhoots - good for you in making a change for a better you. I sometimes have to reel myself back when i do go out, I slip and say - I don't want to drink b/c it is a waste of calories etc., so next time instead of me saying that, I may go for a low-carb/cal beer, or a glass of wine. good luck!
  • nins11065
    nins11065 Posts: 29 Member

    I am not sure if my comment arrives to you late, hope not! In my opinion, your roommate is not happy with your accomplishments and that tells me she is not a real friend. My partner and best friend loves the fact that I am trying to be healthy and has actually joined the effort. That is what you need in a roommate, someone who resppects what you are doing and even if she/he does not care to be healthy, will not try to savotage your efforts. I would set her streight or think about moving on my own if I can affor it!
    Good luck and feel GREAT about your acoomplishments...Never let Anyone ruin your happiness.
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    right now, she's not a priority, because I'm putting my health first.

    This may be what has her so upset. Health is important, but so are relationships. Can you find other ways to show her you still care about spending time with her?