Just joined

Hi there, I've been using SparkPeople for years, but decided to make a switch--the interface here on MFP is just so much cleaner and less cluttered, and adding food is easier. Anyway, so far so good! Let's see...about me...I'm soon to be 32, female, have a sedentary desk job, and try my best to commute by bike as often as I can. I also enjoy walking and running with my dog, a middle aged pit bull terrier who still has a TON of puppyish energy. I went for my first walk/jog today in quite a while, thanks to a combination of laziness and a virus that's been hanging around for 2 weeks. Counting calories is something I absolutely hate, but I know for me it's necessary to maintain any sort of momentum. That's the main reason I'm here. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.

Edited to add: I just measured my neck, waist, and hips and found my body fat percentage is 43%! Aughh!! I know an "ideal weight" varies for everyone, but I'm guessing 135lbs is not actually where I should be. It seems 125-130 is about right for a woman my height. Haven't seen a number in that range since I was 19. Whew, I've got some work to do :)
