Help :(

I honestly don't know what is wrong with me. I know I want to lose weight, I know its achievable and I have done it before. I know why I want to lose weight yet I keep binging on comfort food all of the time. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to anymore and food is one of the few things that I enjoy and get pleasure from.
Please don't judge me harshly, I suffer from clinical depression, I just need something to click inside of me so I can get going. Once I start I find it easier to maintain its just my head is all over the place. Its the getting started.
Oh I dont know. Sorry I just needed to get it off of my chest and voice whats been bothering me about this diet marlarky. I want to be healthier. Maybe its willpower and the fact that i find it difficult to say no.
Sorry please don't be angry with me.


  • mbaroncelli
    mbaroncelli Posts: 39 Member
    I felt the same way! After years and years of not doing anything to help myself, I finally decided this year is it! My sister is getting married in August and I DO NOT want to be the fat bridesmaid! I would also eat whenever I was upset or stressed but now I have learned instead of eating, to just work out! Working out makes me feel so much better! I hope you don't give up!
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    maybe try finding a new strategy for dealing with low moments. exercise for example? I like running with some bad 80s rock music on the iPod, one of my MFP friends has an exercise called "beating crap out of heavy bag" which sounds therapeutic!

    or how about a funny DVD? nature program s about penguins make me smile and I can never watch too many Friends reruns.

    and start with small steps. have a healthier breakfast one day, park a bit further than usual from the shop door and walk a bit more (or get off the bus a stop earlier) once the little things seem easier, it''ll be more like habit and less of an uphill struggle.

    good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • mogzBH
    mogzBH Posts: 50
    Never be sorry for getting something off your chest, it is a huge help. I also suffer from depression but have found that with the great support from people on this forum that it makes it easier to keep track and lose weight. I find that planning out my day's food helps me see if I have any calories left over to have some treats, like a handful of biscuits while watching a movie. Very comforting and satisfies my sweet tooth.
    I hope you find sme little tricks that work for you too, that you have success in your weight loss and that you kick depression's *kitten*!
  • keren22
    keren22 Posts: 18
    Exercise is one of the BIGGEST ways to fight depression! Being a part of a team helps toward that goal as well. I have an online group for support, motivation, and accountability, if anyone is interested! We have a lot of fun!
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Exercise is one of the BIGGEST ways to fight depression! Being a part of a team helps toward that goal as well. I have an online group for support, motivation, and accountability, if anyone is interested! We have a lot of fun!

    i agree. i don't workout for the calorie burn, i workout to clear my mind and increase endorphins and dopamine. it's amazing what it does for the mind and body.

    OP - do you find yourself binging at home? i know it's hard to do, but it may be time to toss all the crap food in the house and stop bringing it in. i am not sure what your family situation is, so that may be impossible. i live alone, so it was easy to do and has made a world of difference. at 10:00 it is much harder to binge on something if you have to leave the house for it.

    good luck - you CAN do this!!
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm recovering from an episode of depression at the moment and I've found this site to be really helpful. I think part of it is that I'm controlling a part of my world, where I can't control my emotions. I'm still eating chocolate and occasionally ill have 1 alcoholic drink, so I'm not depriving myself of anything.
    I've also found that since leaving the house and going for a walk or a cycle everyday I've improved quite a bit. Even if I don't need to do anything I will walk into town, and I've figured a route that is a mile long so it's at least a 20 minute walk sometimes ill do it twice.

    Depression is so difficult to deal with and it really knocks you around. It took me 3 weeks to get to this stage of being able to leave the house with such ease so I can understand where you're at.
    Don't beat yourself up about all this.
    If you have a sweet tooth and fin yourself binging on chocolate, which is my weakness along with pizza, have a look at a blog called Chocolate Covered Katie - healthy chocolate snacks and desserts.
    Hope you're doing ok xx
  • Calamity_

    i agree. i don't workout for the calorie burn, i workout to clear my mind and increase endorphins and dopamine. it's amazing what it does for the mind and body.

    OP - do you find yourself binging at home? i know it's hard to do, but it may be time to toss all the crap food in the house and stop bringing it in. i am not sure what your family situation is, so that may be impossible. i live alone, so it was easy to do and has made a world of difference. at 10:00 it is much harder to binge on something if you have to leave the house for it.

    good luck - you CAN do this!!

    I'll do same things to get as far as possible from fatty / sweety food. I developed the habit of eating comforting food but fat and sweet when I had a bad day (with my job, they're legion! ), every day I ate a snack on the way back after work. I don't stop anymore to buy crappy food.

    I think we have to developp a new habit : stop eating our emotions and work on what is the real problem (for me, It's my job)
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I spoke to my doctor about this very thing last summer, after a huge depressive episode. The end result was being placed on an antidepressant permanently - cymbalta, to be exact. Since then I've been able to manage my depression, and I found that my munchies were gone too. :) A nice side effect! The other thing he told me to do was spend more time in the sun. Between the two, my depression has been well managed, and I find my urge to binge is much lower.
  • yobeme
    yobeme Posts: 169 Member
    I have been at the same place as you. All good advice above. What I found helpful was starting with manageable changes.

    Start with just getting your mornings right. The two things which have helped me deal with my depression the most are:
    - exercise; start going for a walk every morning or do a workout DVD or whatever you enjoy. This helps your mood so much and gives you a sense of achievement for the day. One you form the habit, it gets easier.
    - good breakfast and supplements; taking high doses of vitamin D and omega 3 fish oil has really improved my mood. Read up on it. It's not a substitute for anti-depressants if you are on them but does help.

    There will be days you continue to eat well because you want to continue how you start and there may be other days you binge; most importantly just forgive yourself and move on. it does take effort and with depression there are times you just don't have it in you to make the effort.