Billy Blanks PT 24/7 Tae Bo DVD Set... Thoughts??

Just purchased it (waiting for it to ship) and I'm wondering if any of you have done it, or heard of it...??


  • liveforfriday
    I love Billy Blanks. His workouts are very intense but you will see results. Enjoy and good luck.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    yeah burn way more calories doing tae bo workouts x
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks y'all!!

    I was actually shocked when I saw he was still making videos!! LOL. I used to love his old stuff so hopefully this one will be fun too. This one comes with resistance bands that are incorporated into the kickboxing routines so I'm excited!!