Too much protein?

Me again lol
Can eating to much protein actually make you out on weight. I've planned my meal for tomorrow and it looks like this

Carbs: 46%
Protein: 38%
Fat: 16%

In over my protein by 39 lol but under on everything else x


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    No - too many calories will cause a weight gain - not being over on protein by itself (or any other macro)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    the more protien i get in daily, the more excited i get!!!
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    Great! Thanks everyone x
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    Protein actually helps you to burn calories. It takes more energy to burn protein than a carbohydrate because it is harder to break down. However, the person above me is correct, you cannot eat an endless amount.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    i really would not worry. I struggle to up my protein.

    Well done you for planning tomorrows meals
  • DeanBurrows
    DeanBurrows Posts: 116 Member
    Brb eating some chicken.....

    On a serious note, eating excessive amounts of Protein OVER your macro would become useless but not in a weight gaining way, unless of course the calories added up and greatly exceeded your daily goal.

    But it's just 1 day, eat it and forget about it and move on.
    Won't do you any harm
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    No - too many calories will cause a weight gain - not being over on protein by itself (or any other macro)

    THIS ^^^^ my protein today = 245 ... and that's a normal day for me
  • DeanBurrows
    DeanBurrows Posts: 116 Member

    THIS ^^^^ my protein today = 245 ... and that's a normal day for me

    BAM! We have a winner :D

    Gotta love Protein!
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    Haha I loveee protein! Chicken, fish all of it I could live on it haha
  • TrishaCooper423
    TrishaCooper423 Posts: 41 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight and gain muscle, you should try to eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of your weight. I get between 125 and 150 grams a day, But i also changed my macros to be eating less fat!
  • DeanBurrows
    DeanBurrows Posts: 116 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight and gain muscle, you should try to eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of your weight. I get between 125 and 150 grams a day, But i also changed my macros to be eating less fat!

    You gotta eat fat to lose fat

    Just one of many articles on why you need to hit your minimum fat.
    I was on the Keto Diet not long ago which is High Protein and High Fat and BOY did i shift the weight :D
  • judipearl
    judipearl Posts: 8 Member
    Just be sure you are "kidney healthy"! Too much protein for someone who is suffering with kidney issues is a bad thing. You need to not eat large amounts of protein as it is hard for your kidney to break down. I have had kidney disease all my life and am 22years out with a kidney transplant. I eat mostly vegetable and fish :smile: protein because the animal protein is very hard on my kidney.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    It's much better to get "too much" protein than too much carbs/sugar. And fat is good if it's an easily digested natural fat (even animal fats are healthy in moderation and with the right preparation). However, too much at one time can cause digestive upsets and be taxing on the liver and kidneys. Small amounts throughout the day, and eaten with a complex carb, is how it is most easily broken down and utilized.

    As a side note for any women who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to become pregnant, a MINIMUM of 80-100 grams (depending on your body type/size) is required for optimum fetal development and uterine health. In fact, even women not even interested in kids should take in quite a bit of protein during menstruation and directly after menstruation, as your body becomes depleted. [/stepping off midwifery student soapbox]
  • TrishaCooper423
    TrishaCooper423 Posts: 41 Member

    As a side note for any women who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to become pregnant, a MINIMUM of 80-100 grams (depending on your body type/size) is required for optimum fetal development and uterine health. In fact, even women not even interested in kids should take in quite a bit of protein during menstruation and directly after menstruation, as your body becomes depleted. [/stepping off midwifery student soapbox]

    Very true, I am nursing and my doctor told me that I need at least 100 grams of protein a day.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    Ahh that's a relief cause I started MFP by going under my protein intake but now I'm goin way over lol
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Me again lol
    Can eating to much protein actually make you out on weight. I've planned my meal for tomorrow and it looks like this

    Carbs: 46%
    Protein: 38%
    Fat: 16%

    In over my protein by 39 lol but under on everything else x

    too much protein can cause kidney failure. by too much im talking 5 - 600 g per day
  • JustTheBeebs
    JustTheBeebs Posts: 124 Member
    yeah protein is good!
    but excessive amounts will cause build up of uric acid which is linked to liver and kidney problems.

    Jus make sure you 'aint over doing it!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Yeah fat looks low. Get at least .45g per lb of LBM every day
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    the more protien i get in daily, the more excited i get!!!

    me too.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    No - too many calories will cause a weight gain - not being over on protein by itself (or any other macro)

    THIS ^^^^ my protein today = 245 ... and that's a normal day for me
    You're also 23 and eating on average 2800 calories daily, that's to much for most of us who are trying to lose weight