Has anyone out there tried Intermittent Fasting "IF"



  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    The benefits of Calorie Restriction was discovered in experiments on lab rats in the 1930s; essentially they lived around 20-30% longer, do not develop cancers, diabetes or heart disease. Experiments on primates showed similar results but the effect on their mental health was marked (showing low mood, depression and in some cases violence). CRONYs (Calorie Restricted Optimal Nutrition Society) are a group of people who CR. Their physiology on a cellular level belies their numeric age, showing little of the damage or wear & tear that would be expected.

    Scientists played around with CR and came up with IF as bringing the same benefits in longevity. It is also more manageable & seems to address the mood issue. Indeed, it is being looked at in relation to neuro degenerative disorders such as Alzheimers.

    I read loads on this a few years ago when I first heard of but there is tons more stuff articles and research around. This is just one paper:

    The effect on health of alternate day calorie restriction: Eating less and more than needed on alternate days prolongs life by
    J B Johnson Department of Surgery, Louisiana State University Medical Center,
    Donald R Laub Department of Surgery, Stanford Medical School, Stanford
    Sujit John Department of Mathematics, University of New Orleans,

    http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/articles/2004/07/09/calorierestriction.php - this is a link to a 2004 article called Eat Less live longer which is easier to read.

    I made the mistake of IF for 2 days then 5 days normal - but the body goes into 'starvation mode' at around 36hrs so the 24hr fasting at a time is probably better.

    Oh and see http://www.paleoforwomen.com/shattering-the-myth-of-fasting-for-women it seems women may not react to IF in quite the same universally positive way as do men.
  • djbrosco
    djbrosco Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing it for about 3 months now and I love it. I fast for 18 hours (6pm to 12 noon) and eat for 6 hours (12 pm to 6pm). It was not as hard as I expected and I have burned alot of fat around my midsection, arms, and chest. I can now see my abs very clearly. My energy and strength has also increased. I did the 6 meals a day thing and it just didn't work for me. I will probably make this a way of life. Gives your body a huge break from trying to digest food all day, and it also gives your body a longer period to burn fat for energy.
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    I've tried IF before, and had a lot of success with it, because it helps me to not go over my calorie goals. Lean Gains (http://www.leangains.com/) has some good information, and he usually cites his references! I have a 9 hour window to eat in (women have larger windows than men, though), and I have a "normal" calorie goal - nothing too low. If I could eat all day and not go over my calories, I'd do it, but when I eat breakfast I'm usually hungry. It took me a couple weeks to get used to it again (I got hungry in the mornings at first, because I always used to eat breakfast), but it was worth it!
  • gene19728
    gene19728 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been experimenting with IF for a while now and have had some great results. You have to figure out which regimen of IF fits you best as there are many variations out there. I am a member of a group on Facebook where we discuss our progress, tips, and experiments with IF. Here's the link if anyone is interested. https://www.facebook.com/groups/134048033402244/