Walking 1.5 Miles...When Will It Get Easier?!



  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I started walking today. I'm NOT an exerciser and I'm seriously out of shape. I briskly walked 1.5 miles around the neighborhood and it was really, really difficult. Changes in incline killed me and every hill was mini-torture. If I walk the same route every other day, how long until it becomes easy/easier?

    I smoked for 15 years. I did a whole lot of walking because I did not have a car at the time. However, I was NOT a runner. I started running, and it was very hard. Next thing you know I was easily running 3-4 miles everyday. It will get easier. Just throw any negative thought. "It's too hard!" If you think that ask, "is it too hard? or not easy enough?" SAY I can do it, I am getting better everyday! You will see improvement quickly.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Also, make sure you have the right shoes! I made the mistake of wearing bad shoes for too long. Wether you walk or run, the shoes matter.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't think there's any "set time" of how much or how far you walk. Give yourself a pat on the back for starting and go from there. Keep in mind "everyone is different" and go with what you can do. If you attempt to do "time wise / mile wise" from what others say they do and you don't reach that goal, you will set yourself up for "I quit. I can't do it. I should be faster." As you continue to walk daily or every other day you'll soon find out "hey, I'm walking further then I did when I first started, yea for me."
    Stay positive and you'll be just fine :smile: