Higher Calorie snacks needed

nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
Ok, so I have about 500 calories left. A ton of fat and carbs left (I'd like to keep it like that). I've made my fiber and protein goal already. I'm still hungry but dont want to go over my protein any more than I have already. I'm at 58 now w/a goal of 45.

Does anyone have any yummy suggestions on a high colorie low to no protein snack? I've already had enough veggies today if I have to look at another one it will kill me.

Thanks ;)


  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    You could go for fruit. The del monte fruit natural cups have 140 cals 26 carbs and no fat or protein.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    This is a yummy one
    1 banana
    2 Tbs natural peanut butter
    1 Special K Chocolaty drizzle bar

    Slice the banana
    microwave the PB just so it can be drizzled and drizzle over the banana
    Crumble the bar on top

    Depending on the size of the banana you could use up about 300 calories.
    It's about 10 grams of protein but you can cut down on the PB.

    Jan AKA PoeRaven
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mswing7674
    going over your protein isn't so bad especially if some of those calories you have left are exercise calories :)
  • boniekatie
    boniekatie Posts: 147
    spagetti w/ olive oil and garlic = carbs and fat & yummy
  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    I don't know if you will be stopping by a grocery store, but next time you go you should pick a few of these up for when you're in situations like this. Sabra (a brand of hummus) has a to-go pack with pretzels, and it's soooo good. I think it's like 240 or more calories, and lots of carbs. You should look into those.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The protien amount on MFP is low, you may want to use that as a minimum amount or go into your goals and increase the % proten and decrease the % carbs or fat.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    For evening snacks, I like to do 2 oz of rotisserie chicken (just love those chickens already cooked at the grocery store!) and I cut up 1/2 cucumber, half tomato, and some radishes. I mix it all together and let it sit until snack time and it's great to get in the protein before bed.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Do you have a juicer? Cause if you do you could juice an apple, pineapple and some carrots. Or whatever you want.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    That's not very much protein. Most people need more than that.

    When I need a high calorie snack, I go for nuts. They meet your requirements because they are high in fat and carbs (in spite of the fact that people think nuts are high in protein, they aren't really, not compared to how high they are in fat and carbs).